Seminars & Lectures
* TITLE | Three-body final states in dark matter annihilations and decays | ||||||
* SPEAKERS | |||||||
* HOST(Applicant) | |||||||
* DATE / TIME | 2011-12-12, 4:00 pm, 503 Conference room | ||||||
* ABSTRACT | |||||||
In dark matter studies, the annihilation rate of dark matter particles plays a crucial role, for it determines their relic density and their indirect detection signal. I will show that this annihilation (or decay) rate can receive large additional contributions from three-body final states consisting of a real and a virtual massive particle, such as WW* (Wff\\\') and tt* (tWb). As a result of these previously neglected processes, the viable parameter space of dark matter models is modified and the predictions for the direct and the indirect detection of dark matter are significantly altered. I will illustrate the relevance of these effects in supersymmetric and non-supersymetric scenarios. |