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Seminars & Lectures
* TITLE Exactly Solvable Lattice Models I and II
Name Affiliation E-mail
Paul Pearce Univ. of Melbourne
* HOST(Applicant)
Name Affiliation E-mail
Jihye Jeong APCTP sec(at)apctp.org
* DATE / TIME 2014-11-17 ~ 2014-11-20, 11:00
* PLACE 512 Seminar Room, APCTP Headquarters, Pohang
These two lectures will be a pedagogical introduction to the subject of exactly solvable two-dimensional lattice models in statistical mechanics — both in the bulk and in the presence of a boundary. The famous Yang-Baxter equation will be introduced along with the boundary Yang-Baxter equation. It will be explained how these lead to commuting transfer matrices and exact integrability through functional equations. The application of these methods will be illustrated in the case of A-D-E lattice models.
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