Liouville, Integrability and Branes (10)
September 03 (Wed), 2014 ~ September 14 (Sun), 2014
■ Main Page
    APCTP Headquarter
    September 03 (Wed), 2014 ~ September 14 (Sun), 2014
    - Analytic and Numerical Conformal Bootstraps for Two and Higher Dimensions
    - Topological Strings, M-Theory and String Amplitudes
    - Higher Dimensional CFTs and Their Holographic Duals
    - Off-Shell Formulation of SQFTs and Supergravities
    - 2d SCFTs and Higher Spin Gravity Theories
    - Large-Order Asymptotics in QFTs and Strings
    - Noncompact SCFTs: Partition Functions, Correlators and Elliptic Genera 

       Dongsu Bak University of Seoul

       Soojong Rey Seoul National University

    Invited Speakers
    Changhyun Ahn (Daegu, Korea)
    Jinbeom Bae (Seoul, Korea)
    Dongsu Bak (Seoul, Korea)
    Laurent Baulieu (Paris, France)
    Andreas Gustavsson (Seoul, Korea)
    Stefan Hohenegger (Geneve, Switzerland)
    Hyunsoo Min (Seoul, Korea)
    Soo-Jong Rey(Seoul, Korea)
    Chaiho Rim (Seoul, Korea)
    Sylvain Ribault (Paris, France)
    Dario Rosa (Milano, Italy)
    Yuji Sugawara (Kyoto, Japan)
    Futoshi Yagi (Seoul, Korea)

    Seoul National University