Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
August 07 (Tue), 2018 ~ August 09 (Thu), 2018
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Tentative topics are:
[1] Broad areas of high energy physics from nuclear physics to elementary particle physics to string theories [2] In particular, some of Korean activities within LHC experiments at CERN [3] Recent progress in the open science and open research [4] And some topics in Big data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Deep Learning with respect to high energy physics [5] Other physics topics Organizers
Invited Speakers Jihn Kim(KHU & SNU) "Unification and 'Invisible' Axion" Eunjung Shin (STEPI) "Dialogue between Scientists and Policy makers on Open (research) Data" Kiwoon Choi (CTPU) "Gamma-ray spectral modulations induced by photon-ALP-dark photon oscillations" Jeonghyeon Song(Konkuk University) "Can longitudinal polarization enhancement of a heavy scalar boson happen radiatively?" Youngdo Oh (Kyungpook National University) "Search for new vector bosons in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV" Yongkyu Ko (Yonsei University) "7Be neutrino line shift in the sun" Soonkeon Nam(Kyunghee University) "Deep Learning and Physics" Hyun Kwan Seo (SNU) "Recent Results from RENO" Won Tae Kim (Sogang University) "Thermodynamic temperature of AdS(2) black holes" Hwidong Yoo (SNU) "Searches for new phenomena with the boosted signature" Jaeweon Lee (Jungwon University) "Gauge force from quantum entanglement" Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang University) "On the Dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity theory" Jinmian Li (KIAS) "Pseudoscalar mediator dark matter models at the LHC and beyond" Doris Y Kim (Soongsil University) "Belle and Belle II: status and prospects" Sang Un Ahn (KISTI) TBA Thomas Flacke (CTPU, IBS) "Common exotic decays of top partners" Many standard model extensions that address the hierarchy problem contain Dirac-fermion partners of the top quark, which are typically expected around the TeV scale. Searches for these vector-like quarks mostly focus on their decay into electroweak gauge bosons and Higgs plus a standard model quark. In this article, backed by models of composite Higgs, we propose a set of simplified scenarios, with effective Lagrangians and benchmarks, that include more exotic decay channels, which modify the search strategies and affect the bounds. Analysing several classes of underlying models, we show that exotic decays are the norm and commonly appear with significant rates. All these models contain light new scalars that couple to top partners with charge 5/3, 2/3, and -1/3. Peiwen Wu (KIAS) "Scalar dark matter interpretation of the DAMPE data with U(1) gauge interactions" Recently, DAMPE experiment released the new measurement of the total cosmic e+e- flux between 25 GeV and 4.6 TeV which indicates a spectral softening at around 0.9 TeV and a tentative peak at around 1.4 TeV. We utilize a scalar dark matter (DM) model to explain the DAMPE peak by introducing additional anomaly free gauged U(1) family symmetries, in which the new gauge boson(s) play as the intermediate DM decay products which further decay into SM leptons. We show that such a framework can interpret the DAMPE data and at the same time survive all other constraints including the DM relic abundance, DM direct detection and collider bounds. In-Kyu Park (University of Seoul) "Color coherence & multijet correlation at LHC" Sang Eun Lee (Kyungpook National University) "Higgs boson to a W boson pair report" Hyun Kyu Lee (Hanynag University) "Cosmic Hadron Collider" Nakwoo Kim (Kyunghee University) "Facts and Beliefs in String Teory" Gungwon Kang (KISTI) "SOGRO: Superconducting Tensor Gravitational Wave Detector for Mid-Frequencies" In this talk, basic principles and design concept of SOGRO (Superconducting Omni-directional Gravitational Radiation Observatory) will be introduced briefly. This new gravitational wave detector is ground-based and covers sub-Hz frequencies, e.g., 0.1~10 Hz, which could be emitted from coalescences of intermediate-mass black hole binaries and white dwarf binaries as well as inspiral phases of stellar-mass black hole binary mergers. Multiple SOGROs could also be used to measure stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds. Six superconducting test masses are magnetically levitated on each six orthogonal rigid platform axis for free motion, and series of SQUID sensors are mounted on the platform in such a way that only differential motions of test mass pairs can be measured, rejecting their common-mode motions with extremely high accuracy, for instance, one part in 〖10〗^9 in the case of seismic noise. Newtonian gravity noise can also be rejected to a suitable degree by using its full tensor nature. Various design parameters, characteristics of platform thermal noises for several designs and cooling methods will be discussed as well. The strain sensitivity we propose is 10^(-19)~10^(-21) Hz^(-1/2) at 0.1~10 Hz. Seung-il Nam (Pukyong National University) "Quasi parton distribution for the pseudoscalar mesons" We investigate the pseudoscalar (PS) meson (pi and kaon) quasi-distribution amplitude (QDA), which is supposed to be an asymptotic analog to the meson distribution amplitude (DA) ;K(x) in the limit of the large longitudinal PS-meson momentum, i.e. p3 —> infinity, in the non-perturbative (NP) region. For this purpose, we employ the nonlocal chiral-quark model (NLChQM) in the light-front (LF) formalism with a minimal Fock-state for the mesons qq at the low-energy scale parameter of the model 1 GeV. As a trial, we extract the transverse-momentum distribution amplitude (TMDA) from the light-front wave function (LFWF) within the model, and convert it to QDA with help of the virtuality-distribution amplitude (VDA). By doing that, we derive an analytical expression for the NP QDA with the current-quark mass correction up to O(m_q). Numerically, we confirm that the obtained TMDA reproduces the experimental data for the photon-pion transition form factor F_0 (Q^2) at the low-Q^2 qualitatively well. We also observe that the obtained QDA approaches to DA as p3 increases, showing the symmetric and asymmetric curves with respect to x for the pion and kaon, respectively, due to the current-quark mass difference m_u,d < ms. The moments are also computed, using the pion and kaon QDAs, and there appear only a few percent deviations in the moments for p3 & 30 in comparison to the values calculated directly from DAs. It turns out that the higher moments are more sensitive to the change of p3, whereas the lower ones depend less on it. Hyunchul Kim (Chonnam National University) "Recent results of heavy flavor measurements in heavy ion collisions with the CMS detector" Jihye Song (Pusan National University) "Study of the Quark Gluon Plasma in the light-flavor sector at the LHC with the ALICE experiment" Ligong Bian (Chung Ang University) "B-meson anomalies and Higgs physics in flavored U(1)′ model as early as possible" Dong Woo Kang (Yonsei University) "Time-information at colliders: a new paradigm of kinematics study" Yongsoo Jho (Yonsei University) "What can we learn about new physics with ultra-high-energy-cosmic rays (UHECR)?" Sin Kyu Kang (Seoultech) "Roles of sterile neutrino in particle physics and cosmology" Yi-Lei Tang (KIAS) "Calculations of the Sommerfeld Effect in a Unified Wave Function Framework" Kenji Nishiwaki (KIAS) "Simultaneous interpletation of K and B anomalies in vectorlike compositeness" Gui Nyun Kim (KNU) "Search for New Force Using Neutron Scattering at HANARO" Kohei Kamada (CTPU) "Magnetic fields and baryogenesis" Sun Kun Oh (Konkuk University) "Research data sharing scheme in Korea" and others Contact Sun Kun Oh (sunkun.oh@gmail.com) Sponsors APCTP and Center for Theoretical Physics of Universe (IBS) Center for Underground Physics (IBS) Global Sciend Data Center (KISTI) BK21+ (Konkuk University) ![]() |