APCTP (Pohang) - Online ZOOM Meeting Registration URL: Participants: Please change your name (in the zoom) to 'name (Affiliation)'. Ex) Gildong Hong (APCTP), Jong-Chul Park (CNU) Speakers: Please use the fallowing background image during the presentations. Period
February 01 (Mon), 2021 ~ February 05 (Fri), 2021 Overview
The research on dark matter (DM) is a key element in probing New Physics beyond the standard model (SM). In order to investigate its particle nature, it is required to observe non-gravitational interactions of DM (with the SM particles or itself). Mainly, there are three experimental approaches for this: direct detection, indirect detection, and production at colliders. Recently, various observational results from these experiments have provided some hints and constraints on DM. The purpose of this workshop is to immerse young experts in a collaborative environment together to discuss possible theoretical and experimental improvements in searching for DM in the future. In particular, the workshop aims to encourage the participants to develop creative and non-conventional ideas which have not been considered in this field. Organizers
Kwang Sik Jeong (Pusan National University) Sunghoon Jung (Seoul National University) Doojin Kim (Texas A&M University) Jong-Chul Park (Chungnam National University) Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University) Confirmed Invited Speakers Joseph Bramante (Queen's University) Vedran Brdar (Fermilab & Northwestern University) David Cerdeno (IFT-Madrid) Liang Dai (UC Berkeley) Valentina De Romeri (University of Valencia) Keisuke Harigaya (IAS) Sang Hui Im (IBS-CTPU) Dong Woo Kang (KIAS) Junichiro Kawamura (IBS-CTPU) Doojin Kim (Texas A&M University) Heejung Kim (KAIST) Jongkuk Kim (KIAS) Kevin Kelly (Fermilab) Jia Liu (Peking University) Stephen Lonsdale (IBS-CTPU) Pedro Machado (Fermilab) Mehedi Masud (IBS-CTPU) Kazunori Nakayama (University of Tokyo) Benjamin Safdi (LBNL) Bibhushan Shakya (DESY) Chang Sub Shin (IBS-CTPU) Fuminobu Takahashi (Tohoku University) Po-Yen Tseng (Yonsei University) Jessica Turner (Durham University) Xiao-Ping Wang (Beihang University) Zhong-Zhi Xianyu (Tsinghua University) Ke-Pan Xie (Seoul National University) Yue Zhao (University of Utah) Contact Jong-Chul Park (log1079@gmail.com / jcpark@cnu.ac.kr) Seodong Shin (shinseodong@gmail.com / sshin@jbnu.ac.kr) Sponsor ![]() |