Lecture series on

1. Beyond Landau Fermi liquid and BCS superconductivity near quantum criticality

2. Real-space renormalization group approach

■ Program










    ~ 12:00


    Kim II


    Kim V





    ~ 1:40



    ~ 3:40

    Kim I

    Kim III

    Kim IV



















    ~ 12:00

    Hilbert I

    Hilbert III

    Roman III

    Roman IV

    Bang I



    ~ 2:00



    ~ 4:00

    Hilbert II

    Roman I

    Hilbert IV  

    Roman V

    Bang II





    Roman II

    Hilbert V 













    ~ 12:00

    Igloi I

    Igloi II

    Igloi III

    Igloi IV

    Igloi V




    ~ 2:00



    ~ 4:00

    Park I

    Park II


    Papadimitriou I

    Papadimitriou II

















    ~ 12:00

    Lee I

    Lee II

    Papadimitriou V

    Papadimitriou VI

    Colgain III



    ~ 2:00



    ~ 4:00

    Papadimitriou III

    Papadimitriou IV

    Colgain I

    Colgain II



    1. Beyond Landau Fermi liquid and BCS superconductivity near quantum criticality

    Prof. H. v. Löhneysen


    Lecture 1

    General introduction to phase transitions

    Overview over the course

    Landau theory of phase transitions

    Universality and scaling

    Dynamical critical behavior

    New universality classes?


    Lecture 2

    Fermi liquids and non-Fermi-liquid scenarios

              Quasiparticle concept

              Fermi-liquid properties

              Kondo effect: local Fermi liquid

              Heavy-fermion systems

              Non-Fermi-liquid scenarios


    Lecture 3

    Quantum phase transitions

               Different types of quantum critical points

               Hertz-Millis-Moriya model

               Quantum phase transitions in metals

               Breakdown of the Hertz-Millis-Moriya model

               Local quantum criticality

               Pomeranchuk instabilities

    Lecture 4

    Ce-Cu-Au – a case study

    Introduction to the system

    Thermodynamic and transport properties

    Pressure tuning of the magnetic instability

    Measurement of critical fluctuations by inelastic neutron scattering

    Role of the tuning parameter: composition, hydrostatic pressure, magnetic field

    Entropy landscape around the quantum critical point


    Lecture 5

    Magnetic quantum phase transitions: other systems

    Weak itinerant helimagnet MnS under pressure

    Strongly disordered UCu5-xPdx: Griffiths phase scenario?

    Competing ground states via “generation“ of magnetic moments

    Field-induced criticality in PrOs4Sb12 ?

    Nonmagnetic low-spin groundstate vs. ferromagnetism in LaCoO3 via strain


    Lecture 6

    Metal-insulator transition in heavily doped semiconductors

    Electronic structure of phosphorus-doped silicon

    The heavily doped semiconductor Si:P – an amorphous metal

    Transport: electron-electron interactions in the metallic and insulating states

    Localized magnetic moments in the insulating phase

    Localized magnetic moments and Kondo effect in the metallic phase

    Role of on-site Hubbard interaction: uncompensated Si:P vs. compensated Si:(P,B)

    Scaling properties of the metal-insulator transition

    Lecture 7

    Unconventional superconductivity near quantum criticality

    Introduction: Conventional and unconventional superconductivity

    Heavy-Fermion superconductors: CeCu2Si2 and CeCoIn5

              Superconductivity in proximity to ferromagnetism: UGe2 and UGe 

              FeGe – a compensated semimetal in the vicinity of the BCS-BEC crossover

    Prof. Yunkyu Bang

    Iron-based Superconductors

    In this lecture, I will review what we have learned about the Fe-pnctides and Fe-chalcogenides and its possible implications for understanding other unconventional superconductors. With new superconducting materials, we want to know the pairing symmetry and the pairing mechanism of the materials. We have quite confident evidences of the pairing symmetry – sign-changing s-wave gap – from the very beginning. On the other hand, the pairing mechanism is usually not easily testable by experiment. In this lecture, I will review how the +/-s-wave gap can explain several seemingly non s-wave properties such as NMR, penetration depth, thermal conductivity, etc. Then I will also discuss about the possible identification of the pairing mechanism from the specific heat jump versus Tc as well as the condensation energy versus Tc.

    Lecture 1: Introduction?

    1. Overview

    2. What is sign-changing s-wave gap -- +/-s-wave gap

    Lecture 2: Superconducting properties of +/-s-wave gap

    1. Impurity effects on the +/-s-wave gap

    2. NMR : Knight shift and T1 relaxation rate

    3. Penetration depth versus T

    4. Volovik effect – general principle

    5. Volovik effect on +/-s-wave gap – thermal conductivity

    Lecture 3: Specific heat jump and Condensation E vs. Tc

    1. Specific heat jump vs. Tc : BNC scaling

    2. Condensation E in BCS superconductor

    3. Condensation E in multi-band superconductor

    4. Pairing mechanism

    Lecture 4: FeSe system (Tc~100K)

    1. Possible phonon contribution

    2. Renormalization of pairing cutoff in incipient band superconductors

    3. Outlook.

    Prof. Ki-Seok Kim

    Quantum criticality: Beyond Landau’s Fermi-liquid theory and toward beyond-BCS mechanism 

    1st lecture

    1. Problem: Metallic quantum criticality vs. Mott quantum criticality

    (1) Phase diagrams and experimental signatures

    (2) Metallic quantum criticality: Emergence of ω/T scaling and beyond Hertz-Moriya-Millis theory

    (3) Mott quantum criticality: Fermi-surface reconstruction and emergence of local quantum criticality (?)

    2. Landau’s Fermi-liquid theory

    (1) Theoretical framework: Boltzmann transport theory approach and self-consistent RPA analysis

    (2) Justification: Renormalization group analysis

    2nd lecture

    1. Hertz-Moriya-Millis theory

    (1) Theoretical framework: Self-consistent RPA analysis (= Large-N = Eliashberg)

    (2) Breakdown of ω/T scaling

    2. Metallic quantum criticality: Fermi-surface problem

    (1) Difficulty in the large-N limit (self-consistent RPA = large-N = Eliashberg)

    (2) Beyond Hertz-Moriya-Millis theory: Emergence of ω/T scaling

    3rd lecture

    1. Mott transition

    (1) Experimental overview: Phase diagrams and beyond

    (2) Emergence of local magnetic moments and their role in the Fermi-surface reconstruction across the Mott transition

    2. Dynamical mean-field theory and local quantum criticality

    (1) Emergent local magnetic moments as a source of extensive entropy

    (2) Scaling in electrical resistivity: Mott quantum criticality as local quantum criticality

    4th lecture

    1. Spin-liquid physics

    (1) Experimental overview

    (2) Theoretical framework: A Fermi-surface problem

    2. Spin-liquid Mott quantum criticality

    (1) Theoretical framework: Renormalization group analysis in the dimensional regularization

    (2) Spin-liquid Mott quantum criticality: Dimensional reduction in critical spin dynamics and IXY universality class for critical charge dynamics

    2. Real-space renormalization group approach

    Prof. Ioannis Papadimitriou

    Holographic RG and applications

    Holographic techniques provide a valuable new tool for studying strongly coupled quantum systems, both in high energy and condensed matter physics. The utility of such techniques stems from the fact that strongly coupled quantum systems are related through the holographic duality to weakly coupled, classical, gravitational theories in a higher dimensional space. Central to this connection is the Renormalization Group, which becomes geometric in the dual gravity theory, with the extra dimension playing the role of energy scale. In these lectures we will develop techniques for computing observables in strongly coupled quantum field theories from the dual holographic model. A number of concrete examples will be discussed at the end of the lecture series.

    Lecture 1: Renormalization Group and global symmetries in QFT

    1. The Local Renormalization Group as a Hamiltonian flow

    2. Global symmetries and Ward identities

    3. UV divergences and renormalization of composite operators

    Lecture 2: AdS/CFT correspondence and the holographic dictionary

    1. AdS/CFT primer

    2. A first look at holographic renormalization

    3. The holographic dictionary in Hamiltonian language

    Lecture 3: Radial Hamiltonian formulation of gravity theories

    1. Radial ADM formalism:

    (a) Metric

    (b) Scalars

    (c) Vector fields

    (d) p-forms

    (e) Fermions

    2. Hamilton-Jacobi theory

    Lecture 4: Recursive solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation

    1. The induced metric expansion

    2. Dilatation operator expansion

    3. Renormalized one-point functions and Ward identities

    4. Fefferman-Graham asymptotic expansions

    Lecture 5: RG flows and holographic correlation functions

    1. Poincare domain walls from a fake superpotential

    2. Heating up the flow: first order equations for planar black holes

    3. Riccati equations and holographic two-point functions

    Lecture 6: Condensed matter applications

    1. Two-point functions in a holographic Kondo model

    2. Lifshitz QFTs and hyperscaling violation

    3. Holographic Hall conductivities

    Prof. Ferenc Igloi


    Strong Disorder Renormalization Group Method 

    Disorder is an inevitable feature of real materials, even extremely small amount of quenched disorder can modify the physical properties of systems, in particular close to a critical point. There is a class of models, in which the quenched disorder plays a dominant role over deterministic (thermal, quantum or stochastic) fluctuations and the critical behavior is governed by a so called infinite disorder fixed point (IDFP).  The properties of an IDFP is conveniently studied by the strong disorder renormalization group (SDRG) method. During the SDRG procedure the degrees of freedom of the system with the smallest characteristic time-scales are successively  eliminated and the scaling behavior of the renormalized model at the fixed point is often asymptotically exact. 

    In our talk we shall concentrate on random quantum systems and discuss their unusual critical properties, as well as their dynamical singularities in the so called Griffiths region. We concentrate on one-dimensional problems, for which many analytical results have been derived by the SDRG approach. For higher dimensional problems we outline the numerical implementation of the SDRG method. We explain the use of the SDRG method to calculate the entanglement entropy in random quantum systems, speak about the phenomena of many-body localization and its treatment trough a variant of the SDRG method. We mention also the use of the SDRG for classical problems (random walk in a random environment, reaction-diffusion problems with quenched disorder, etc.).


    Lecture 1.a Quenched disorder and critical behavior

    Organization of the course 

    Thermal and quantum phase transitions – scaling theory

    The effect of quenched disorder – relevance-irrelevance criteria

    Infinite disorder critical behavior

    Dynamical critical behavior and Griffiths singularities

    Lecture 1.b Basic ideas of strong disorder RG

    Principles of the strong disorder  RG

    Classical example: 1d random walk in a random environment 

                  Drift velocity, persistence and order

                  RG rules 

    Quantum example: random transverse field Ising chain

                 Free-fermion representation

                RG rules

    Stochastic example: random contact process

    Relations between the models

    Lecture 2.  Analytical solution of  the SDRG equations for 1d random quantum chains

    Random transverse field Ising chain

                       Renormalization of the distribution functions

                       Fixed point solution

                       Scaling of thermodynamic quantities 

    Random S=1/2 AF Heisenberg chains

                      RG rules

                      Fixed-point solution

                      Random-singlet phase

    Lecture 3.a  Other 1d quantum models

    Random quantum chains with discrete symmetry

    Higher spin AF Heisenberg chains

    Disorder induced cross-over effects

    Heisenberg chain with random ferro- and antiferromagnetic couplings

    Disordered spin ladders

    Random quantum chains with dissipation

    Lecture 3.b  Disordered boson systems, the superfluid-insulator transition

    Weak disorder limit

    RG rules for strong disorder

    Flow equations and phase diagram 

    The superfluid-insulator transition

    Numerical tests of the strong disorder transition

    Lecture 4.  Random quantum systems in d›1 dimensions

    Random transverse-field Ising model

                     Basic elements of the numerical SDRG algorithm

                     Scaling at the critical point

                     Disordered and ordered phases

    Random transverse-field Ising model with long-range interactions

    Random Heisenberg models

    Lecture 5.  Entanglement entropy of random quantum systems

    Basic notations of entanglement and the von Neumann entropy

    Entanglement entropy through strong disorder RG

    Analytical calculations for 1d random quantum spin chains

    Numerical study of the random transverse-field Ising model in d›1

    Dynamical entanglement entropy

    Lecture 6.  Many-body localization transition

    Single-particle (Anderson) localization

    Many-body localization

    Phenomenology of many-body localized systems

    Strong-disorder RG study of the 1d problem

    Prof. Chanyong Park

    Holographic renormalization and entanglement entropy

    Recently, the AdS/CFT correspondence has been widely used in order to understand universal features of strongly interacting systems. In this lecture, I will discuss how to extract various information of a strongly interacting system by using the holographic technique. After briefly reviewing the holographic renormalization and entanglement entropy, I will discuss their relation and RG flow.

    Lecture 1. Holographic renormalization

    - Brief review on the AdS/CFT correspondence

    - Renormalization schemes of the dual gravity

    Lecture 2. Holographic entanglement entropy

    - Central charge of the dual CFT

    - a- and F-theorem

    Prof. Sung-Sik Lee

    Quantum Renormalization Group and Holography

    The anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence was originally conjectured in the string theory. However, the holographic principle that relates field theories to gravitational theories in one higher dimensional spaces is believed to be valid beyond the particular approach to quantum gravity. The general connection between two seemingly different theories is made through renormalization group (RG), where the extra dimension in the dual gravitational theory plays the role of scale in RG. However, a precise holographic mapping can not be made through the conventional RG. This is because the scale dependent couplings in the Wilsonian RG is fully deterministic, while the bulk degrees of freedom in the dual gravitational theories are quantum mechanical. In this lecture, an alternative formulation of RG will be introduced, which fills the gap.

    Quantum renormalization group (RG) allows one to identify holographic duals for general quantum field theories. In this approach, RG flow is projected onto a subspace of operators while the coupling constants for those operators are promoted to quantum mechanical variables. The partition function is given by the sum over all possible RG paths, and the weight for each path is determined by a dynamical action which includes gravity in one higher dimensional spacetime. An application of quantum RG to a concrete lattice model will be presented, where different phases exhibit geometries with different degrees of locality in the bulk.