APCTP Head quarter, 512 Seminar Room, POSTECH, Pohang Period
August 22 (Mon), 2016 ~ August 29 (Mon), 2016 Overview
Strongly interacting many body system is one of the most important problem in 21st century physics. Recently gauge/gravity dual idea was proposed as a new frame for such system. The purpose of this program is to investigate the problem in coherent manner by inviting both string theorists and condensed matter theorists. This year, we discuss various aspects of holography including its role in topological matter. Organizers Sang-Jin Sin(Hanyang University) (sjsin@ hanyang.ac.kr) - Chair* Keun-Young Kim (GIST) (forte@gmail.com) - Cochair* Deog-Ki Hong (Pusan National University) (dkhong@pusan.ac.kr) Piljin Yi (KIAS) (piljin@gmail.com) Nakwoo Kim (Kyunghee University) (nkim@kyunghee.ac.kr) Invited Speakers Chongsun Chu (NCTS & Tsinghua U., Taiwan) Dimitrios Giataganas (NCTS, Taiwan) Koji Hashimoto (Osaka U., Japan) Byungwoo Kang (Stanford U., US) Sunly Khimphun (Sogang U.) Keun-Young Kim (GIST) Kiseok Kim (Postech) KyungKiu Kim (Yonsei U.) Karl Landsteiner (U. Autonoma de Madrid, Spain) Hyunyong Lee (SKKU) Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST) Chao Niu (GIST) Chanyong Park (APCTP) Kwon Park (KIAS) Yunseok Seo (Hanyang U.) Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang U.) Bohm Jung Yang (SNU) Piljin Yi (KIAS) Yun-Long Zhang (Taiwan U. Taiwan) Contact Chair Organizer: Sang-Jin Sin (sjsin@ hanyang.ac.kr) APCTP Secretariat: Eunyoung Choi (eunyoung.choi@apctp.org) Sponsor ![]() |