Venue POSCO International Center, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
Period October 30 (Thu), 2014 ~ October 31 (Fri), 2014
Overview In this workshop, we invite the experts from Korea and Japan to discuss the recent progresses in J-PACR physics, such as the charm, neutrino, strangeness, and spin. Together with many young nuclear and hadron physicists, we look for intensive discussions and possible collaborations domestically as well as internationally from the workshop. As a result, we can obtain profound understanding on the physics related to J-PARC, and extend out knowledge and exchange ideas for more various interesting topics for the future.
Topics Charm and heavy hadron physics Neutrino and its production Strangeness production with meson beams Spin physics Organizers J. K. Ahn (Korea, Korea) M. K. Cheoun (Soongsil, Korea) E. Hiyama (RIKEN, Japan) D. Jido (TMU, Japan) H. -Ch. Kim (Inha, Korea) Y. Kim (RISP/IBS, Korea) J. Meng (Peking, China) S. i. Nam (Pukyong, Korea) B. S. Zou (ITP, China) Invited Speakers A. Hosaka (RCNP, Japan) S. X. Nakamura (Osaka, Japan) Y. Ikeda (RIKEN, Japan) S. Yasui (TiTech, Japan) S. H. Kim (RCNP, Japan) H. D. Son (Inha, Korea) H. -Ch. Kim (Inha, Korea) W. S. Park (Yonsei, Korea) Contact Seung-il Nam (Pukyong) sinam@pknu.ac.kr Sponsor ![]() ![]() |