Primarily program:

Poster sessions will take place during the coffee breaks on Tuesday and Thursday.
Doohee Cho:
“Controllable metal-insulator transition at the nanoscale in the charge-ordered Mott insulator 1T-TaS2”
Hyo Sung Kim:
“Superconducting Honeycomb Charge Order phase in IrTe2”
Sergio Cobo:
Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling on the Magnetic Spin Susceptibility of Sr2RuO4
Sun Kyu Song:
"Atomic scale metal-insulator junction and Strong anisotropy in charge density wave state in Quasi 1D system"
SungHwan Kim:
"A study of Topological Phase Transition of ultrathin Sb film".
Jae Nyeong Kim:
Temperature evolution of the heavy fermionic state in Ce2IrIn8: a first-principles dynamical mean field study