Sunday 7/1
Session I (Convener: Y. Oh)
8:45 AM
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Y. Bang (President of APCTP)
9:00 AM
EIC and Nuclear Femtography 1. APCTP-Qiu.pdf
Jianwei Qiu (JLab)
9:30 AM
US Electron Ion Collider and the Path Forward 2. EIC-Deshpande.pdf
Abhay Deshpande (Stonybrook Univ.)
10:00 AM
Hadron Physics at J-PARC 3. Sawada-HadronPhysicsAtJ-PARC-20180701.pdf
Shinya Sawada (KEK)
10:30 AM
Coffee Break
10:50 AM
Parton Distributions in the Nucleon and Pion 4. Melnitchouk.pdf
Wally Melnitchouk (JLab)
11:20 AM
GW Partial Wave Analyses: From Photo- to Electro-production 5. Igor-Seoul18.pdf
Igor Strakovsky (George Washington Univ.)
11:50 AM
Constraints from Finite-Energy Sum Rules on Inclusive Electron and Virtual Compton Scattering 6. SF_PDF.pdf
Astrid Nathalie Hiller Blin (Univ. Mainz)
12:20 PM
Session II (Convener: A. Deshpande)
2:00 PM
Excited Nucleon Structure and Strong QCD from Experiments with Electromagnetic Probes 1. hadron_mass18_mokeev-mod.pdf
Victor I Mokeev (JLab)
2:30 PM
Electromagnetic and Transition Form Factors of the Baryon Decuplet 2. APCTP-JLAB_hchkim.pdf
Hyun-Chul Kim (Inha Univ.)
3:00 PM
Quasi-Distribution Amplitudes for Pion and Kaon via the Nonlocal Chiral-Quark Model 3. SiNam_20180701_Jlab.pdf
Seung-il Nam (Pukyong Univ.)
3:30 PM
Coffee Break
3:50 PM
Blindfold Determination of the Resonance Spectrum in Strangeness Production Reactions 4. nakayama_pohang18a.pptx
Kanzo Nakayama (Univ. Georgia)
4:20 PM
Regge Description of pi N and KN Scattering at Forward Angles 5. Yu-APCTP-JLab201807-4.pptx
Byung-Geel Yu (Korea Aerospace Univ.)
4:50 PM
Tetraquark Mixing Framework for Light Mesons in the 0+ Channel 6. 2018_07_APCTP_Hungchong Kim.pdf
Hungchong Kim (Korea Aerospace Univ.)
5:20 PM
Adjourn (approximate)
6:00 PM
Networking reception at APCTP