Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
09:30 - 10:30 registration ZLi1 AO1 TG2
11:00 - 12:00 HW PD1 QLi1 summary/disc.
02:00 - 03:00 HW PD2 AO2
03:30 - 04:30 YM ZLi2 HW1
05:00 - 06:00 HW TG1 QLi2
06:30 - 08:00 pre-school dinner Banquet
List of lecturers:
Akira Ono (Tohoku Univ.) (AO)
Zhuxia Li (China Institute of Atomic Energy) (ZLi)
Qingfeng Li (Huzhou Teachers College) (QLi)
Theodoros Gaitanos (Univ. of Giessen) (TG)
Pawel Danielewicz (MSU, East Lansing) (PD)
Hermann Wolter (University of Munich) (HW)
Youngman Kim (APCTP) (YM)
List of lectures:
PD1 EOS, symmetry energy, momentum dependence
PD2 versions of BUU, esp. IBUU, fragments, n/p ratios
ZLi1 non-equilib. transport, in-med. cross sections, off-shell effects
ZLi2 QMD and diff. versions, esp. ImQMD
HW1 SMF, isospin transport, isospin in fragment observables
AO1 quantum effects, AMD, FMD, collision term in AMD
AO2 fragments in AMD, comp. to BUU, low momentum correlations
TG1 relativistic transport theory, (RBUU, GiBUU)
TG2 inelastic NN collisions, particle production, pion and kaon ratios
QLi1 UrQMD in comp. to QMD, flow observables
QLi2 high density symmetry energy