Venue YongPyong resort (Dragon Valley Hotel)
Important dates ▪ Abstract submission deadline : ▪ Registration deadline :
Overview APCTP-KIAS Quantum Materials Symposium 2020 (QMS2020) is organized by the Korean condensed matter physics community of strongly correlated electron systems (SCES) and various institutes in Korea including Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), IBS (Institute of Basic Science) Center for Correlated Electron Systems (IBS-CCES) and IBS Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems (IBS-CALDES). We intend to bring world-renowned researchers in various frontiers in condensed matter physics. You may find information on the previous symposiums at the following web sites: ▪ QMS2019 ▪ QMS2018 ▪ QMS2017 ▪ QMS2016 ▪ QMS2015 ▪ QMS2014 ▪ QMS2013 In keeping with our tradition of hosting the symposium in a relaxed atmosphere, we hold QMS2020 at YongPyong Ski Resort during Feb. 9-14, 2020.
Scope During the symposium, we hope to cover various topics in condensed matter physics such as quantum magnetism, unconventional superconductivity, heavy fermion, quantum phase transition, low-D electronic materials, topological materials, superconductivity under extreme conditions, oxide semiconductors, 2D electrons, etc.
Plenary Talks Piers Coleman (Rutgers University) Novel Quantum Phases and Order Fractionalization Ali Yazdani (Princeton University) Spectroscopic Studies of Correlated Electronic States in a Moiré Superlattice
Invited Talks Stuart Brown (University of California Los Angeles) Probing the unconventional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 Doo Hee Cho (Yonsei University) Visualization of the inhomogeneous superfluid in an iron-based superconductor Gil Young Cho (POSTECH) Topology in Correlated Quantum Insulators Kwang-Yong Choi (Chung-Ang University) Spin liquid-like state in 2D/3D frustrated magnets - a tale of emergence of exchange-frustration, randomness, and dimensionality Joseph Falson (California Institute of Technology) Correlated metal-insulator transition in an ultra-clean oxide Jungseek Hwang (Sungkyunkwan University) Bosonic spectrum of multiband correlated electron systems, K-doped Ba-122 Joonho Jang (Seoul National University/IBS-CCES) Novel spectroscopic method for studying 2D correlated electron systems Sangjun Jeon (Chung-Ang University) Engineering and observation of Majorana zero modes Jeil Jung (University of Seoul) Nearly flat moire bands in graphene based twisted Dirac materials Jae Hoon Kim (Yonsei University) Terahertz Spectroscopy of Quantum Material Jaewook Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Spin Liquid State and Topological Structural Defects in Hexagonal TbInO3 Youngkuk Kim (Sungkyunkwan University) First-principles calculations on a higher-order topological insulator phase in twisted bilayer graphene Youngwook Kim (DGIST) Dirac Electron in a Partially Filled-Landau Level Yusuke Kozuka (NIMS) Spin-Charge Coupled Transport in Iridate heterostructures Wonshik Kyung (Seoul National University/IBS-CCES) Electric field driven octahedral rotation in Sr2RuO4 Seunghun Lee (University of Maryland) Perfect Andreev reflection due to Klein paradox in a topological superconducting state Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST) Identification of a Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid via Magnetic Field Angle Dependence Se Young Park (Seoul National University/IBS-CCES) Orbital-selective Mott and Peierls transition in hydrogenated VO2 Sungkyun Park (Pusan National University) Searching for the origin of phase transition characteristics of FeRh films Abhay Pasupathy (Columbia University) Correlated States in van der Waals heterostructures Sylvain Petit (Laboratoire Léon Brillouin) Spin ice and quantum spin ice physics: the neutron scattering perspective Jairo Sinova (Johannes Gutenberg
University Mainz) Topological spintronics in antiferromagnets and the crystal Hall effect Philipp Werner (University of Fribourg) Spin Freezing in Unconventional Superconductors Bohm-Jung Yang (Seoul National University/IBS-CCES) Emergent topological phenomena in strained pyrochlore iridate thin films Yijin Zhang (University of Tokyo) Novel optoelectronic functionalities in low dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide nanomaterials
Organizers Chair – Jaejun Yu (Seoul National University) Co-Chair – Gun Sang Jeon (Ewha Womans University) Organizing committee: Yunkyu Bang (APCTP, POSTECH) Hyoung Joon Choi (Yonsei University) Younjung Jo (Kyungpook National University) Jun Sung Kim (IBS-CALDES, POSTECH) Kee Hoon Kim (Seoul National University) Tae-Hwan Kim (POSTECH) Jae-Hoon Park (POSTECH) Je-Geun Park (Seoul National University/IBS-CCES) Kwon Park (KIAS) Tuson Park (Sungkyunkwan University) Chan-Ho Yang (KAIST)
Contact Prof. Gun Sang Jeon (gsjeon(at)ewha.ac.kr)
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