POSCO International Center(PIC), Pohang, Korea
October 01 (Mon), 2018 ~ October 05 (Fri), 2018
This workshop is going to focus on the topic of topological states of matter in strongly correlated systems ranging from Mott insulators to unconventional superconductors. In the recent years, many attentions have been attracted to some new states of matter which are called topological phases of matter. These new phases exhibit an interesting manner, insulating in the bulk and as a conducting on the surface. Such states, which can be found in many compounds like spin liquids, transition metal oxides, non-centro symmetric superconductors, Half-Heusler compounds, Weyl semi metals as well as the heavy fermion systems are widely discussed. The goal of this meeting is to present the state of the art in experimental investigation and theoretical understanding of such systems. With the above goal we plan to have an exchange of ideas between experimental and theoretical approaches which are used to investigate the excited state, its relaxation, and in particular the interactions that mediate this relaxation in Mott insulators and High-Tc superconductors.
Organizers Jeehoon Kim (POSTECH, Pohang) Alireza Akbari (APCTP, Pohang) Sungdae Ji (MPK, Pohang) Yunkyu Bang (POSTECH) Jae-Hoon Park (POSTECH) Hyun-Woo Lee (POSTECH) Kwon Park (KIAS) Ki-Seok Kim (POSTECH) Tae-Hwan Kim (POSTECH) Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST) Suk Bum Chung (University Of Seoul) Keun Su Kim (Yonsei University) Jungdae Kim (Ulsan University) Gil-Ho Lee (POSTECH) Gil Young Cho (POSTECH) Invited Speakers Ilya Eremin (Ruhr University Bochum) Matteo Minola (MPI-FKF) Gang Chen (Fudan University) Hae-Young Kee (Toronto University) Shik Shin (Tokyo University) Tanmoy Das (Indian Institute of Science) Yuki Motome (Tokyo University) Ludovic Jaubert (CNRS, LOMA, University of Bordeaux) Tien-Ming Chuang (SINICA) Hyunsoo Kim (University of Maryland) Yuji Matsuda (Kyoto University) Shun-Qing Shen (University of Hong Kong) Tristan Cren (CNRS, Universite Pierre-et-Maire-Curie) Yoshiteru Maeno (Kyoto University) Takashi Oka (MPI-PKS) Nic Shannon (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, OIST) Ross Mcdonald (Los Alamos National Lab, LANL) Seunghyun Khim (MPI-CPS) Daniel Leykam (IBS) Jae-Hoon Park (POSTECH) Chan-Ho Yang (KAIST) Suk Bum Chung (University of Seoul) Han-Yong Choi (Sung Kyun Kwan University) Ara Go (IBS) Tuson Park (Sung Kyun Kwan University) SungBin Lee (KAIST) Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST) Bohm-Jung Yang (SNU) Jae Hoon Kim (Yonsei University) Mahn-Soo Choi (Korea University) Bum Joon Kim (POSTECH) Jeil Jung (University of Seoul) Kuan-Wen Chen (National High Magnetic Field Lab, NHMFL) Dirk Wulferding (TU Braunschweig) Ki-Seok Kim (POSTECH) Minhyea Lee (University of Colorado) Kee Hoon Kim (SNU) Gil Young Cho (POSTECH) Hye Jung Chang (KIST) Contact Jeehoon Kim (POSTECH, Pohang, jeehoon@postech.ac.kr) Alireza Akbari (APCTP, Pohang, alireza@apctp.org) Sungdae Ji (MPK, Pohang, jsungdae@mpk.or.kr) Sponsor ![]() ![]() |