Venue Online Period November 17(Tue.), 2020 / 16:00 - 17:00(KST) Abstract Recently Spontaneous symettry breakin lies at the heart of the description of interaciting phases of matter. Here we argue that a driven interacting system subject to a linearly polarized (achiral) driving field can spontaneously magnetize (acquire chirality(. In particular, we find when a metal is driven close to its plasmon resonance, it hosts strong internal acfiedls that enable Berryogenesis [1]: the spontaneous generation of a self-induced Bloch band Berry flux, which supports and is sustained by a circulating plasmonic motion, even for a linear polarized driving field. This non-equilibrium phase transition occurs above a critical driving amplitude, and depending on system parameters, can enter the spontaneously maanetized state in either a discontinuous or continuous fashion. Berryogenesis relies on nontrivial interband coherences for electronic states near the Fermi energy generated by ac fields eadily found in a wide variety of multiband systems. We anticipate that graphene devices, in particular, which can host high quality plasmons, provide a natural and easily available platform to achieve Berryogenesis and spontaneous non-equilibrium (plasmon-mediated) magnetization in present-day devices, e.g., those based on graphene plasmonics. If we have time, we will also discuss other manifestations of non-trivial quantum geometry. Invited Speaker Prof. Justin Song (Nanyang Technological University) ZOOM Webinar 1) Please join with your email (no guest acc't) and write your full name & affiliation - E.g. Name: Full name(affiliation) Email: (No guest account) 2) Join with the following link - ID: 822 6321 7114 Password: B0EUiP YouTube Stream 1) Type "APCTP" in the YouTube Search bar 2) Click the video with 'live now' sign Contact Gil Young Cho (POSTECH) Sponsor ![]() |