2016 Biophysics Summer School:
Information and Energy in Life
July 04 (Mon), 2016 ~ July 06 (Wed), 2016

■ Main Page
    We live in an exciting era for life science. Advanced tools for observing life and accumulated information of biological systems give great opportunities for unveiling what life is. This school aims to encourage the next generation of biophysicists by introducing fundamental questions in life, experimental tools for observing life, and theoretical/computational methods for integrating data. We select information and energy in life as our third theme following the series of previous themes, information and information processing in life. In particular, we focus on metabolism in biology and information thermodynamics in physics. This school introduces intriguing questions: how living systems generate and store energy; and how they maintain their vitality by cosumming energy and processing information.
    Time: July 4 (Mon) - 6 (Wed), 2016
    Place: APCTP Head quarter, 512 Seminar Room, POSTECH, Pohang
    Participants: 40 undergraduate students (accomodation and meals supported)
    Invited Speakers:
     김상욱 교수 (부산대) 맥스웰 도깨비는 정보를 먹고 산다
     김재범 교수 (서울대) 에너지 저장고 지방조직의 "In and Out"
     김판준 교수 (아태이론물리센터) 대사 네트워크 흐름의 전산 분석
     서상우 교수 (서울대) 시스템 생물학: 게놈 정보의 이해 및 응용
     이종봉 교수 (포항공대) 단일분자 수준에서 본 생체분자의 에너지 활용
     정규열 교수 (포항공대) 합성생물학: 미생물화학공장 만들기
     조정효 교수 (아태이론물리센터) 자연이 설계한 에너지 항상성
     최무영 교수 (서울대) 물질과 정보, 그리고 생명
     황인환 교수 (포항공대) 세포내 서로 다른 두 개의 에너지 공장, 엽록체와 미트콘드리아

    Organizers: APCTP-POSTECH Biophysics Groups
    (Profs. Wokyung Sung, Seunghwan Kim, Jong-Bong Lee, Nam Ki Lee, Woo Sung Jung, Cangyong Song, YongSeok Jho, Pan-Jun Kim, and Junghyo Jo)
    Contact: Junghyo Jo (Tel: 054-279-1345, Email: jojunghyo@apctp.org)

    Sponsor: APCTP and POSTECH (I-Bio)