* 참가인원이 40명을 약간 초과해서 모든 신청자가 참가할 수 있게 되었습니다. 모두 합격입니다. 등록할 때 이메일로 안내 공지가 갔는데 일부 학생들은 안내 메일을 받지 못한 것 같습니다. 앞으로 숙박을 비롯한 업데이트는 홈페이지에도 같이 공지를 하겠습니다. 참가안내문은 다름 파일을 참고하세요: information.pdf We live in an exciting era for life science. Advanced tools for observing life and accumulated information of biological systems give great opportunities for unveiling what life is. This school aims to encourage the next generation of biophysicists by introducing fundamental questions in life, experimental tools for observing life, and theoretical/computational methods for integrating data. Time: July 9 (Mon) - 11 (Wed), 2018 Place: APCTP Head quarter, 512 Seminar Room, POSTECH, Pohang Participants: 40 undergraduate students (accomodation and meals supported) Invited Speakers:
Organizers: APCTP-POSTECH Biophysics Groups (Profs. Wokyung Sung, Seunghwan Kim, Jong-Bong Lee, Woo Sung Jung, Cangyong Song, Jae-Hyung Jeon, and Junghyo Jo) Contact: Junghyo Jo (Tel: 02-958-3850, Email: jojunghyo@kias.re.kr) Sponsor: APCTP and POSTECH ![]() |