POSCO International Center, POSTECH
August 28 (Thu), 2014 ~ August 30 (Sat), 2014
Due to structural connectivity and flexibility, biological systems in meso-scale can manifest a variety of emergent, cooperative phenomena, which are the keys to biological functions. Nature utilizes the thermal fluctuations ambient in such biological soft-condensed matter to facilitate crossing seemingly insurmountable barriers. Using statistical mechanics, Professor Sung has sought such paradigm for biological dynamics in biopolymers, membranes, cells and related stochastic phenomena. We commemorate his retirement with this international conference prospecting the pathways of statistical biological physics over the 4 sessions covering the topics:
1) Statistical, Soft Matter and Stochastic Physics 2) Single-molecule Biophysics 3) Membrane and Cellular Physics/ Self-assembly and organization Organizers
Yong Woon Kim (y.w.kim@kaist.ac.kr, KAIST)
Pyeong Jun Park (pjpark@ut.ac.kr, KNUT) Jong-Bong Lee (jblee@postech.ac.kr, POSTECH) Nam Ki Lee (nklee@postech.ac.kr, POSTECH) Speakers
Tapio Ala-Nissilä (Tapio.Ala-Nissila@aalto.fi, Aalto University School of Science, Finland)
Aniket Bhattacharya (aniket@physics.ucf.edu, University of Central Florida) Bae-Yeun Ha (byha@uwaterloo.ca, University of Waterloo, Canada) Ralf Metzler (rmetzler @ uni-potsdam.de, University of Potsdam, Germany) Alexander Neiman (neiman@helios.phy.ohiou.edu, Ohio University) Philip Pincus (fyl@mrl.ucsb.edu, Universirty of California, Santa Barbara) Rudi Podgornik (rudipod@gmail.com, NIH) Takahiro Sakaue (sakaue@phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp, Kyushu University, Japan) Gary Slater (gslater@uottawa.ca, University of Ottawa, Canada) Giovanni Zocchi (zocchi@physics.ucla.edu, UCLA) Moo Young Choi (mychoi@phya.snu.ac.kr, Seoul National University) Sung Chul Hohng (shohng@gmail.com, Seoul National University) Chang Bong Hyeon (hyeoncb@kias.re.kr, KIAS) Jae-hyung Jeon (jeonjh@gmail.com, Tampere University of Technology) Kimoon Kim (kkim@postech.ac.kr, POSTECH) Mahn Won Kim (mahnwonkim@gist.ac.kr, GIST College) Hyuck Kyu Pak (hyuk.k.pak@gmail.com, Pusan National University) Yong Keun Park (yk.park@kaist.ac.kr, KAIST) Wokyung Sung (wsung@postech.ac.kr, POSTECH) Tae-Young Yoon (tyyoon@kaist.ac.kr, KAIST) Contact
Prof. Nam Ki Lee (nklee@postech.ac.kr, POSTECH)
Ms. Sun Hye Choi (sunhye@postech.ac.kr, POSTECH) Sponsors
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