■ Program


    01 Ji Hoon Shim  

    Metal-Insulator and Spin State Transition in FeO2,

    02 Hyowon Park  

    DFT+DMFT study of magnetic excitations and energetics in strongly correlated materials,

    03 Yusuke Nomura  

    Machine learning using Boltzmann machines for solving strongly correlated systems,

    04 Unjong Yu

    Ising model in two dimensions: effects of geometric frustration and quenching,

    05 Jaeho Han

    Influence of magnetic order fluctuations on Kitaev quantum spin liquid states

    06 Gang Li

    Enhanced electronic correlation and nontrivial band topology in two-dimensional systems,

    07 Hunpyo Lee

    Electron-hole doping asymmetric d-wave superconducting phases in the two-dimensional Hubbard model,

    08 Bongjae Kim

    Anisotropic magnetic interactions from ab initio methods

    09 Sergii Khmelevskyi

    Ab-initio based models of the finite temperature magnetism in solids

    10 Zhicheng Zhong

    Spin direction controlled electronic band structure in two dimensional ferromagnetic materials,

    11 Seiji Yunoki

    Photoinduced superconductivity by η-pairs in the Hubbard model

    12 Beom Hyun Kim

    Numerical study on electronic and spin-orbital excitation of Mott insulators with strong spin-orbit coupling

    13 Ara Go

    Correlation effects in spin-orbit entangled phases of transition metal oxides

    14 Minjae Kim

    Spin-orbit coupling and electronic correlations in Hund's metal: Sr2RuO4

    15 Sung Hyon Rhim

    Spintronics - approach from ab initio calculations:  Tungsten compounds and others


    We have poster session the first day afternoon. If you want to present your poster, send the abstract and title using following format to bongjae.kim@kunsan.ac.kr or kyoo@mpk.or.kr with cc to jungeun.yoon@apctp.org until 10th Octorber. 



    27 Aug (Mon)
    chair 08:30-09:10 Registration & Breakfast
    B. I. Min 09:10-09:20 Opening
    09:20-09:55 Ji Hoon Shim
    09:55-10:30 Hyowon Park
      10:30-10:50 break & coffee
    Seiji Yunoki 10:50-11:25 Yusuke Nomura
    11:25-12:00 Unjong Yu
      12:00-13:50 Lunch
    Yusuke Nomura 13:50-14:25 Gang Li
    14:25-15:00 Hunpyo Lee
      15:00-15:20 break & coffee
    Zhicheng Zhong 15:20-15:55 Bongjae Kim
    15:55:16:30 Sergii Khmelevskyi
      16:30-18:30 POSTER
      18:30 Dinner & Banquet
    28 Aug (Tue)
    chair 08:30-09:00 Registration & Breakfast
    Cesare Franchini 09:00-09:35 Zhicheng Zhong
    09:35-10:10 Jaeho Han
      10:10-10:30 break & coffee
    Gang Li 10:30-11:05 Seiji Yunoki
    11:05-11:40 Beom Hyun Kim
    11:40-12:15 Ara Go
      12:15-14:00 Lunch
    Sergii Khmelevskyi 14:00-14:35 Minjae Kim
    14:35-15:10 Sung-Hyon Rhim