Hogil Kim Memorial Building #307, POSTECH Period
February 05 (Mon), 2018 ~ February 07 (Wed), 2018 Scope
Understanding the structure and dynamics of human chromosome is a rapidly emerging field in biophysics. Over the last decade, this development has to a large extent been boosted by new super resolution microscopy techniques to track single particles and proteins, and the Hi-C method that enables researchers to map out the physical proximity between all DNA loci. To take the best advantage of these achievements, the scientific community benefits from an interdisciplinary approach that includes experiments and theoretical tools such as big data analysis, polymer physics, and molecular dynamics simulations. The aim of this mini-symposium is to bring together a diverse group of scientists working in this field, and to strengthen the connection to the internationally leading groups.
The symposium will be composed into two parts: (1) four lectures by the invited speakers on the Hi-C method, polymer modeling of the human chromosome, and intermittent target search. These lectures benefit all of the symposium’s participants who wish to learn even more about the field.
(2) About 20 seminars by the invited speakers and shorter contributed talks, on the biophysics of the human chromosome in experiments, simulation, and theory. Announcement Deadline of registration: 26th Jan. 2018 Poster presentation is accepted by providing us the title of the poster via the registration form or via email (taegeun.song@apctp.org). Invited Speakers Ian Dodd (University of Adelaide) Olga Dudchenko (Baylor College of Medicine) Changbong Hyeon (KIAS) Jae-Hyung Jeon (POSTECH) Hajin Kim (UNIST) Jong-Bong Lee (POSTECH) Sang Hoon Lee (KIAS) Ludvig Lizana (Umeå University) Michael Lomholt (University of Southern Denmark) Ralf Metzler (Potsdam University) Simone Pigolotti (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology) Angelo Rosa (SISSA) Takahiro Sakaue (Kyushu University) Jan Smrek (Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research) Changyong Song (POSTECH) Per Stenberg (Umeå University) Shin-ichi Tate (Hiroshima University) Tetsuya Yamamoto (Nagoya University) Jejoong Yoo (IBS(POSTECH)) Organizers Jae-Hyung Jeon (jeonjh@gmail.com) Ludvig Lizana (ludvig.lizana@umu.se) Sponsor |