J Clark (Topic Chair), N Kawakami, H Boehm, M Llano
- Helga Boehm (Johannes Kepler U, Linz, Austria) - Dynamic Many Body Theory.pdf
- John W. Clark (Washington U, USA)
- Mukunda Das (Canberra, Australia) - Vortex Physics of Novel Superconductors with Two Gaps: Case of MgB2.doc
- Eugene Demler (Harvard U, USA) - Dynamical impurities in ultracold atoms.doc
- Tom Devereaux (Stanford U, USA) - Theory of Non-Equilibrium Time-Dependent Spectroscopy in Correlated Materials.doc
- Vladimir Dobrosavljevic (NHMFL, Florida State Univ, USA) - Nearly frozen Coulomb Liquids.doc
- Norio Kawakami (Kyoto U, Japan) - Mott Transitions in Two-Dimensional Frustrated Hubbard Models.pdf
- Feodor Kusmartsev (Loughborough, UK) - Nanoscale structures and giant Nernst effect below the pseudogap in under-doped high-Tc superconductors.doc
- T. K. Lee (Taipei, Taiwan) - Phase fluctuations predicted by the t-J model for cuprates.doc
- Tofik Mamedov (Ankara, Turkey) - Uniform Coulomb field as origin of "Fermi arcs" in an anisotropic boson-fermion gas mixture.doc
- Max Metlitski (Harvard U, USA) - Pairing of critical Fermi-surface states.doc
- Zohar Nussinov (Washington U, USA) - Frustration and dimensional reduction in multi-orbital systems.doc
- Carlos Villarreal (UNAM, Mexico) - Evidence of BCS-BEC mechanism in high-Tc superconductors.pdf
- Zheng-Yu Weng (Tsinghua U, China) - Mott physics, sign structure, ground state wavefunction, and high-Tc superconductivity.doc
- Jan Zaanen (Leiden, Netherlands) - Fermionic Quantum criticality and the AdS/CFT correspondence of string theory.doc
- Gertrud Zwicknagl (TU Braunschweig, Germany) - Superconductivity in Conical Magnets.doc
Low-Dimensional Systems (graphene, surfaces, mesoscopic systems)
Mahn-Soo Choi (Topic chair), M Llano, C Wexler, Hyun-Woo Lee
- Christoph Bruder (Basel, Switzerland) - Quantum control.doc
- Ewelina Hankiewicz (Wurzburg, Germany) - TRANSPORT IN TOPOLOGICAL INSULATORS.pdf
- M. Howard Lee (Univ of Gorgia, USA) - Cyclic solutions in chaos, Sharkovskii\'s theorem and isomoprhism.doc
- D. Neilson (U. of Camerino, Italy) - Glass transition vs. Wigner Crystallization in 2D hole layers.pdf
- Felix von Oppen (Berlin, Germany) - Energy relaxation and thermalization of hot electrons in quantum wires.doc
- M. Oshikawa (University of Tokyo, Japan) - Dynamical theory of superfluidity in one dimension.pdf
- Marco Polini (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy) - Persistent spin oscillations in a spin-orbit-coupled superconductor.doc
- D. Polyakov (Karlsruhe, Germany) - Aharonov-Bohm conductance through a single-channel quantum ring: Persistent-current blockade and zero-mode dephasing.doc
- Heung-Sun Sim (KAIST, Korea) - Topological aspect of Klein tunneling in bilayer graphene.doc
- Masahito Ueda (University of Tokyo, Japan) - Topological Aspects in Ultracold Atoms.doc
Topological Phases in Condensed Matter
Y Kim (Topic Chair), Y Bang
- Matthew Fisher (UCSB, USA) -Majorana Fermions in superconducting nanowires: Interaction and fluctuation effects.doc
- Jung-Hoon Han (SKKU, Korea) - Skyrmion Dynamics in Metallic Chiral Magnet.doc
- Roderich Moessner (MPI-PKS, Dresden) - disorder in a quantum spin liquid.doc
- Shuichi Murakami (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) - Berry-phase dynamics of magnon wavepacket and thermal Hall effect of magnons inferromagnetic insulators.doc
- Kwon Park (KIAS, Korea) - Superconducting order parameter for the even-denominator fractional quantum Hall effect.doc
- Cenke Xu (UC Santa Barbara, USA) - Topological effects on Nonlinear Sigma Models.docx
- Jaejun Yu (SNU, Korea) - Strain-Dependent Topological Quantum Phase Transition in Na2IrO3.doc
- Guang-Ming Zhang (Tsinghua, China) - Characterizing topological order and phase transitions in low dimensional quantum spin systems.doc
Numerical Methods
C Wexler (Topic Chair), J Clark, T Xiang
- Gun Sang Jeon (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea) - Cellular Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and Low-Dimensional Mott transitions.docx
- Zhongyi Lu (Renmin University, Beijing, China)
- F. B. Malik (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA) - Charge and energy transfer following electronic excitation in bio-molecules, particularly photosynthesis.docx
- Young-Woo Son (KIAS, Korea) - Graphene systems under external perturbations.doc
- Eric Suraud (LTP, France ) - Photoelectron Spectroscopy revisited.pdf
- Giovanni Vignale (U. Missouri, USA) - Electric Control of Spin Currents and Spin-Wave Logic.pdf
- Li Yang (Washington U. in St. Louis, USA) - Quasiparticle Energy and Optical Absorption Spectra of Doped and Strained Graphene.doc