Xavier Bekaert: Bulk locality in higher-spin holography (Bekaert.pdf)
David S. Berman 1: Solutions in DFT and EFT: waves, monopoles and self-dual dyons (Berman1.pdf)
David S. Berman 2: Uncovering duality in M-theory (APCTP Colloquium)
Chris D. A. Blair: The SL(2) /times R^+ exceptional field theory and F-theory (Blair.pdf)
Martin Cederwall 1: Extended geometry: review and open problems
Martin Cederwall 2: Summary and Closing Remarks
Kang-Sin Choi: Twelve-dimensional supergravity and DFT standard model (Choi.pptx)
Machiko Hatsuda: Type II superspace with manifest T-duality (Hatsuda.pdf)
Imtak Jeon 1: Semi-Covariant Formulation of Double Field Theory: Review (Jeon1.pdf)
Imtak Jeon 2: Supersymmetric gauged Double Field Theory: Systematic derivation by virtue of Twist (Jeon2.pdf)
Euihun Joung: Rainbow Valley of Colored Gravity
Hyojoong Kim: AdS6 solutions of type IIB supergravity and their hidden symmetry (H.Kim.pdf)
Kyung Kiu Kim: Holography without counter terms (K.K.Kim.pptx)
Calin Iuliu Lazaroiu: Foliations, non-commutative geometry and exceptional generalised geometry (Lazaroiu.pdf)
Kanghoon Lee: Towards weakly constrained double field theory (K.Lee.pdf)
Chen-Te Ma: Double Sigma Model (Ma.pdf)
Emanuel Malek: A curved formulation for SL(5) EFT (Malek.pdf)
Charles Melby-Thompson: Non-Relativistic Strings and Non-Riemannian Backgrounds in DFT (Melby-Thompson.pdf)
Eoin O Colgain: Non-abelian T-duality & AdS3 geometries with N=(0,4) SUSY
Aybike Ozer: Non-Abelian T-duality as an O(d,d) transformation (Ozer.pdf)
Jakob Palmkvist: Lie superalgebras in (gauged) supergravity and exceptional geometry (Palmkvist.pdf)
Franco Pezzella: Double Sigma Model of Strings in Constant and Non-Constant Background (Pezzella.pdf)
Soo-Jong Rey: Novel Gravitational Aspects of Double Field Theory
Woohyun Rim: O(D,D) Covariant Noether Currents and Global Charges in DFT
Yuho Sakatani: Finite Transformations in Doubled and Exceptional Space (Sakatani.pdf)
Masaki Shigemori: Codimension-1 supertubes
Minwoo Suh: Supersymmetric AdS6 solutions of type IIB supergravity (M.Suh.pdf)
Daniel C. Thompson: Generalized T-dualities and Integrability (Thompson.pdf)