Exact results in gauge and string theories Integrability in Gauge Theories and Strings Gauge-gravity correspondences D-branes and string dynamics Organizers Soo-Jong Rey (Seoul National Univ. Korea) *Chair
Changrim Ahn (Ewha Woman Univ.) Dongsu Bak (Univ. of Seoul, Korea) Yu Nakayama (IPMU/Caltech) Core Participants Changrim Ahn (Ewha Womans Univ., Korea)
Ines Aniceto (Inst. Superior Tech., Portugal) Zoltan Bajnok (Eotvos Univ., Hungary) Dongsu Bak (Univ. of Seoul, Korea) Jin-Beom Bae (Seoul National Univ. Korea) Diego Bombardelli (Univ. Porto, Portugal) Palo DiVecchia (NORDITA, Sweden) Andreas Gustavsson (Univ. of Seoul, Korea) Seungho Gwak (Seoul National Univ. Korea) Shinji Hirano (Nagoya Univ. Japan) Xing Huang (Seoul National Univ. Korea) Romuald Janik (Jagellonian Univ. Poland) Jaewon Kim (Seoul Nat. Univ. Korea) Minkyoo Kim (Sogang Univ. Korea) Alexei Morozov (ITEP, Russia) Andrey Morozov (ITEP, Russia) Yu Nakayama (IPMU, Japan) Rafael Nepomechie (Miami Univ. USA) Dimitri Polyakov (CQUEST, Korea) Soo-Jong Rey (Seoul Nat. Univ, Korea) Takao Suyama (Seoul Nat. Univ. Korea) Yang Zhou (CQUEST, Korea)
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