22nd APCTP Winter School on Fundamental Physics
January 22 (Mon), 2018 ~ January 29 (Mon), 2018
■ Announcement
    - As of Jan 5th 2018, the registration is closed. The number of registrants reached the maximum capacity of the school.

    - If you haven't registered but want to attend the school, you can still do so. But please arrange the accommodation in Pohang (if you need it) yourself. 

    - The participants are encouraged to give a poster presentation on 24th. If you want to volunteer, please contact Ms. Jenny Yoo.

    - Synopsis of G. Arutyunov's lectures can be found here.

    Synopsis of R. Emparan's lectures and (a preliminary version of) lecture notes can be found here

    R. Emparan's exercises are here (BHs_APCTP.PDF) and (Kruskal.pdf)

    - Synopsis of H. Yavartanoo's lectures:
    The aim of these lectures is to give a brief introduction to some of the recent developments in understanding holography in two dimensions, and its connection to microscopics models of extremal black holes. 

    The first part of these lectures is an introduction to AdS2 holography, problems there and their interpretations. We will briefly review how the backreaction from any excitation destroys the asymptotic AdS2 geometry and discuss the concrete manifestation of this problem in terms of gravity in two dimensions. Then we introduce Jackiw-Teitelboim theory by considering family of actions  as the UV completion for the cutoff AdS2 space and argue that inside the cutoff surface, the dynamics is largely universal, given some conditions on the cutoff are met. We also discuss computation of two and four point functions there and argue its relation to quantum chaos.

    The second part will be an introduction to SYK model. After giving some motivations, we introduce the model and will summarise the computation of the two point functions in the large N limit. We will further show that how this computation simplify considerably in some limit of parameters of the theory. This allows us to connect analytically the free UV theory to the interacting and nearly conformal IR theory. We also briefly discuss computation of four point functions.

    The last part of these talks will be devoted to some generalisation of SYK model and its connection to holography and AdS2 gravity.