Overview This focus workshop is to promote research oriented discussions between the world class experts on holography and strongly interacting and strongly correlated system. This year, however, we will also have a school session for students and postdocs. Nick Evans (U. of Southampton) Keun-Young Kim (GIST)
Johanna Erdmenger Koji Hashimoto
Yu Nakayama Leopoldo Pando Zayas Maurizio Piai Ioannis Papadimitriou Gordon Semenoff Julian Sonner Shigeki Sugimoto Tadashi Takayanagi *** This list will be updated as more speakers confirm their attendance.
Contact Prof. Sang-Jin Sin: sjsin@hanyang.ac.kr - Financial support The school is co-funded by the European Science Foundation through the HoloGrav Network. Up to 20 Students or postdocs in Europe may have financial support. To apply for this funding the applicant should send a CV and supporting letter from their supervisor to Prof. Nick Evans: evans@soton.ac.uk