VENUE Seminar Room 512 (office 501: APCTP Headquarters) Hogil Kim Memorial Hall (M-03 in the map), POSTECH, Pohang, Korea **Hotel(Posco international center): M-16
PERIOD August 21 (Wed), 2019 ~ August 29 (Thu), 2019
OVERVIEW The aim of this focus program is bringing together international leaders in the areas of quantum field theory, gravity, string theory, condensed matter physics and quantum information in order to exchange ideas and discuss problems related to gauge/gravity duality, black holes, and quantum information. ORGANIZERS Chair Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang U) Co-chair Keun-Young Kim (GIST) Koji Hashimoto (Osaka U) Deog-Ki Hong (Pusan Nat’l U) Ki-Seok Kim (POSTECH) Nakwoo Kim (Kyung Hee U) Ioannis Papadimitriou (KIAS) Piljin Yi (KIAS) INVITED SPEAKERS includes Gil Young Cho (POSTECH) Richard Davison (DAMTP) XianHui Ge (Shanghai U) Yuji Hirono (APCTP) Koji Hashimoto (Osaka U) Norihiro Iizuka (Osaka U) Viktor Jahnke (GIST) Byungmin Kang (KIAS) Keun-Young Kim (GIST) Kyung Kiu Kim (Sejong U) Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST) Shin Nakamura (Chuo U) Mitsuhiro Nishida (GIST) Chanyong Park (GIST) Ioannis Papadimitrious (KIAS) Junchen Rong (Hanyang U) Yunseok Seo (GIST) Koenraad Schalm (Leiden U) Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang U) Ya-Wen Sun (UCAS) Bohm Jung Yang (SNU) Run-Qiu Yang (KIAS) Zhou Yang (Fudan U) Junggi Yoon (KIAS) CONTACT Sang-Jin Sin (sjsin@hanyang.ac.kr) Keun-Young Kim (fortoe@gist.ac.kr) Yeyoung Kim [APCTP Secretariat] (yeyoung.kim@apctp.org) Sponsor ![]() |