- The name of the chair of the each talk is written in ( ).
a) Lecture (total, three hours):
- 50 minutes talk + 10 minutes official Q/A + up to 15 minutes free discussion
b) Regular Seminar:
- 30 minutes talk + 10 minutes official Q/A + up to 20 minutes free discussion
c) TED-style shot talk:
- 15 minutes talk + 5 minutes official Q/A + up to 20 minutes free discussion
Masazumi Honda: Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists (8/23,30) [QC_APCTP (2).pdf]
Matteo Baggioli: Phases of Matter & Collective Excitations in the eyes of a high energy theorist (8/26,27,28) [lectures-matteo.pdf]
Gustavo Joaquin Turiaci: Quantum aspects of 2D gravity and applications to higher dimensions (8/30,31) [Turiaci.pdf]
Bartlomiej Czech : The many uses of the modular Berry phase (8/30,31)
Norihiro Iizuka : ANEC !? --- No! It's CANEC !
Gil Young Cho : Novel Non-Fermi Liquids in Conducting 2d Networks [NFL-in-Network.pdf]
Eun-Gook Moon : Topological Phase Transitions in Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids
Ki-Seok Kim : Emergent holographic description for strongly correlated systems
Koenraad Schalm : Detecting chaos in hydrodynamics
Nakwoo Kim : Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation of Holographic Renormalization and Supersymmetry [qmqi2020nkim.pdf]
Shin Nakamura : Current-driven tricritical point in large-Nc gauge theory [APCTP-Focus-20200825_forPostv1.pdf]
Ioannis Papadimitriou : Complex SYK model from AdS3 gravity
Chong-Sun Chu : Weyl Anomaly, Casmir Effects and Condensate [talk.pdf]
Dongmin Gang : Wrapped M5-branes : From topological matters to blackholes [APCTP-2020-08-2.pdf]
Sera Cremonini : Constraining Non-Relativistic RG Flows with Holography [QuantumMatterConference_Cremonini.pdf]
Sang-Jin Sin : Ginzberg-Landau-Wilson theory for Flat band, Fermi-arc and pseudo gap for Strongly interacting system [2008.focus.pdf]
Yi Ling : Holographic superconductor induced by CDW [YiLingholo2020.pdf]
Li Li : Magnetophonon and Magnetotransport in Holography [APCTP_LiLi.pdf]
Ya-Wen Sun : Topological modes in relativistic hydrodynamics [topohydroapctp.pdf]
Xian-Hui Ge : Hyperscaling violating black hole
solutions and transports of quantum
critical points [XianHuiGeholo2020.pdf]
Bohm Jung Yang : Quantum distance and anomalous Landau levels of flat bands
Yan Liu : Quantum chaos in topologically massive gravity [qcTMG-APCTP.pdf]
Keun-Young Kim : Chaos, Diffusion and Pole-skipping
Viktor Jahnke : Scrambling and Pole-skipping in Hyperbolic Black Holes [seminarAPCTP2020_VJ.pdf]
René Meyer : Strongly Correlated Dirac Materials, Electron Hydrodynamics & AdS/CFT [ReneMeyer.pdf]