Day1(Mon,August 2nd):
Opening Ceremony(16:00~16:15) Chair: Sang Pyo Kim ,Kunsan National U (김상표, 군산대)
Address Byeong-Sun Kwak (President, Kunsan National U)
Congratulatory Address Federico Failla (Ambassador, Italian Embassy)
Italy-Korea Symposium Overview Remo
Ruffini (Director, ICRANet/ICRA)
Timeline Speaker and Title
Chair: Sang Pyo Kim, Kunsan National U (김상표, 군산대)
16:15-16:55 Remo.Ruffini, ICRA-Sapienza University Rome/ICRANet
The birth and raise of Relativistic Astrophysics
16:55-17:15 Break
Chair: Hyun Kyu Lee, Hanyang U (이현규, 한양대)
17:15-17:35 Dong-Hoon Kim, Seoul National University (김동훈, 서울대)
Pulsar radio emission with effects of gravitation and rotation
17:35-17:55 Lang Liu, Institute of Theoretical Physics, China 
Gravitational and Electromagnetic Radiation from Binary Black Holes
with Electric and Magnetic Charges
17:55-18:15 Chen-Te Ma, APCTP 
Quantum correction of the Wilson line and entanglement entropy in the pure
AdS_3 Einstein gravity theory
18:15-18:30 Break
18:30-19:00 Daniele Gregoris, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology 
Cosmology with interactions in the dark sector: qualitative dynamics,
singularities and applications
Day2(Tue,August 3rd):
Timeline Speaker and Title
Chair: Daniele Gregoris, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
16:00-16:30 Soroush Shakeri, ICRANet-Isfahan,
Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) 
The Role of Sterile Neutrinos in Cosmology and recent anomalies
in Dark Matter Searches
16:30-17:00 She-Sheng Xue, ICRANet, Physics Department,
Sapienza University of Rome
joint talk with Soroush Shakeri
17:00-17:15 Break
Chair: Bogeun Gwak, Dongguk U (곽보근, 동국대)
17:15-17:35 Mu-In Park, Sogang U (박무인, 서강대) 
Tests of Standard Cosmology in Horava-Lifshitz-DeWitt Gravity
17:35-17:55 Lu Yin, Sogang U (루인, 서강대) 
Gravitational waves from the vacuum decay with eLISA
17:55-18:15 Chan Park, NIMS (박찬, 국가수리과학연구소) 
Extending the Observational Frequency Range for Gravitational Waves
in a Pulsar Timing Array
18:15-18:30 Break
18:30-18:50 Chang-Hwan Lee, Pusan National University (이창환, 부산대) 
Neutron Star Properties from Low-Mass X-ray Binary
18:50-19:15 Eoin O Colgain, Sogang U (에오인 콜게인, 서강대) 
Observations on the Cosmological Principle
Day3(Wed,August 4th):
Timeline Speaker and Title
Chair: Soroush Shakeri, ICRANet-Isfahan,
Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)
16:00-16:30 Rahim Moradi, ICRANet 
Broad line SNe-Ibc in GRBs, and Binary Driven Hypernova model
16:30-17:00 Carlos Raul Arguelles, ICRANet 
Fermionic dark matter profiles
17:00-17:15 Break
Chair: Wontae Kim, Sogang U (김원태, 서강대)
17:15-17:35 Wonwoo Lee, Sogang U (이원우, 서강대) 
Astrophysical applications of rotating black holes with anisotropic matter field
17:35-17:55 Dong-han Yeom, Pusan National University (염동한, 부산대) 
Quantum boundary condition inside a black hole
17:55-18:15 Jin Young Kim, Kunsan National University (김진영, 군산대) 
Deflection of light in Born-Infeld electrodynamics
18:15-18:30 Break
18:30-20:30 Banquet
Day4(Thur,August 5th):
Timeline Speaker and Title
Chair: Jorge Rueda, ICRA/ICRANet
15:30-16:00 Pisin Chen(National Taiwan University & Stanford University)
Gravitaional synchrotron radiation from storage rings
16:00-16:30 Maria Giovanna Dainotti, ICRANet
The 2D L-T correlation and the 3D fundamental plane in multiwavelengths
16:30-17:00 Liang Li, ICRANet
Constrainng the Type of Central Engine of GRBs with Swift Data
17:00-17:15 Break
Chair: Chang-Hwan Lee, Pusan National University (이창환, 부산대)
17:15-17:35 Hochoel Lee, Sogang U (이호철, 서강대) 
Hairy Black Hole Solutions in Dilatonic Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Theory
17:35-17:55 Myeonghwan Oh, Kyungpook National University (오명환, 경북대) 
Cosmic rays produced by magnetic Penrose process in Sgr A*
17:55-18:15 Davood Rafiel Karkevandi, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) 
Probing Bosonic Dark Matter inside NS by the Tidal defomability
Day5(Fri,August 6th):
Timeline Speaker and Title
Chair: Rahim Moradi, ICRANet
15:30-16:00 Kuantay Boshkayev
Accretion disc luminosity for black holes surrounded by dark matter
16:00-16:30 Narek Sahakyan, ICRANet
Multiwavelength and Multimessenger view of blazars
16:30-17:00 Jorge Rueda, ICRA/ICRANet
Synchrotron emission in GRB afterglows from binary-driven hypernovae
and compact star binary mergers
17:00-17:15 Break
Chair: Hyung Won Lee, Inje University (이형원, 인제대)
17:15-17:35 Sung-Won Kim, Ewha Womans University (김성원, 이화여대) 
Gravitational Waves Generated by a Slowly Rotating Wormhole
17:35-17:55 Mahdis Ghodrati, APCTP
Phase transitions and curvature invariants of the Massive
Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black holes in massive gravity theory
17:55-18:15 Sang Pyo Kim, Kunsan National U (김상표, 군산대)
Magnetars as Laboratory for Strong Field QED
Closing(18:15~18:30) Stefano Scopel, Sogang U (스테파노 스코펠, 서강대)
Presentations are planned to be published
by the proceedings through
the Journal of the Korean Physical Society (JKPS).
Submission deadline: October 31, 2021