Venue Yong Pyong Resort, Pyeongchang, Korea Period August 28 (Mon), 2017 ~ August 30 (Wed), 2017 Overview The research area of nano-mechanics has developed rapidly in
recent years following drastic improvements in device fabrication and
measurement methods as well as in theory and modeling. Research about
nano-mechanical systems is not only concerned with fundamental physics such as
the mechanical control of single electron charge and spin transport, optical
control and cooling of the mechanical degrees of freedom, electromechanical
systems that approach or attain the mechanical quantum ground state, and
electrical systems that control photons and phonons at the quantum level, but
it also aims to develop applications like ultra sensitive mass detectors,
chemical & biological sensors, quantum information technology and so on.
This workshop will build on the success of two previous nano-mechanics
workshops supported by APCTP in 2012 and 2015. Well established researchers
from all over the world and young scientists will meet together and share their
most recent results on the physics and applications of nano-mechanical
systems. Topics Topics to be covered in this workshop are: Optomechanics
Spintromechanics Chaos in nanomechanical systems Biomechanics Spectrometry
using nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) Nanomechanically controlled
superconductivity Qubits with NEMS Graphene based NEMS NEMS based sensors Organizing Committee Sang Wook Lee (Ewha Womans Univ.; leesw@ewha.ac.kr) Seung Bo Shim (Korea Res. Inst. of Standards and Science;
seungbo@kriss.re.kr ) Robert Shekhter (Univ. of Gothenburg;
shekhter@physics.gu.se) Mats Jonson (Univ. of Gothenburg; mats.jonson@physics.gu.se
) Invited Speakers (confirmed) Kang-Hun
Ahn (Chungnam National University) Pierre Allain (Paris Diderot University) Darrick Chang (Barcelona ICFO) Hyungkook Choi (Chonbuk National University) Andrew Cleland (University of Chicago) Philip Feng (Case Western Reserve University) Leonid Gorelik (Chalmers University of Technology) Chulki Kim (KIST) Kwanpyo Kim (UNIST) Donghun Lee (Korea University) Nojoon Myoung (IBS PCS) Anton Parafilo(ICTP) Fabio Pistolesi (CNRS Bordeaux) Pingquan Qin (IBS PCS) Junho Suh (KRISS) Eva Weig (University Konstanz) Hiroshi Yamaguchi (NTT) Contact Prof. Sang Wook Lee (Ewha Womans Univ.; leesw@ewha.ac.kr) Prof. Mats Jonson (Univ. of
Gothenburg; mats.jonson@physics.gu.se) APCTP (ejlee@apctp.org or sec@apctp.org) Organizers ![]() ![]() ![]() |