APCTP Headquarters, Pohang, Korea
August 25 (Sun), 2013 ~ August 30 (Fri), 2013
Complex systems evolve according to the laws of nonlinear dynamics. Many prominent examples include physical, biological, and engineering systems. While nonlinear dynamics and its quantum counterpart have been extensively studied for systems with few degrees of freedom, the situation is dramatically different both for many degrees of freedom, and for the border between classical and quantum worlds. The mastering of the dynamics of nanoscale systems with many degrees of freedom becomes therefore a frontier of modern science, boosted by the advance of nanofabrication technology and precise measurement of bio-systems at the nanoscale. The idea of this conference is to bring together researchers from several fields of quantum physics, biology, engineering and applied mathematics interested in the nonlinear dynamics of nanoscale systems. These studies focus among other on I) physical systems including: polaritons, Josephson junction networks, cold atoms, nano-electro-mechanical systems, and quantum optics, II) biological systems including auditory transduction of insects, vertebrate, and criticality in biological systems, III) mathematical methods and concepts in the general theory of complex systems including mode interaction, many body interaction, bifurcations, and neural dynamics.
Kang-Hun Ahn
Department of Physics, Chungnam National University,
Email: ahnkh@cnu.ac.kr
Boris Altshuler
Department of Physics, Columbia University,
Email: bla@phys.columbia.edu
Sergej Flach
New Zealand Institute for Advanced Study
Email: s.flach@massey.ac.nz Confirmed Invited Speakers
Boris Altshuler (Columbia University, USA),
Kang-Hun Ahn (Chungnam National University, Korea),
Dolores Bozovic (UCLA, USA),
Sergey Denisov (University of Augsburg, Germany),
Yun Doo Chung (University of Seoul, Korea),
Oleksandr Fialko (Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, New Zealand),
Mikhail Ivanchenko (University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia),
Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP, Italy),
Jooyoung Lee (KIAS, Korea),
Juergen Liesenfeld (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany),
Matteo Marsili (ICTP, Italy),
Pascal Martin (Institut Curie, France),
Paul Nation (Korea University, Korea),
Yun Daniel Park (Seoul National University, Korea),
Daniel Robert (University of Bristol, UK),
Jung Wan Ryu (Pusan National University, Korea),
Robert Shekhter (University of Gothenburg, Sweden),
Martin Sieber (University of Bristol, UK),
Young-woo Son (KIAS, Korea),
Gentaro Watanabe (APCTP, Korea)
Kang-Hun Ahn
Department of Physics, Chungnam National University,
Email: ahnkh@cnu.ac.kr Sponsor
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