A. N. Antonov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Symmetry energy, its components and nuclear structure properties at finite temperature
J. W. Clark (Washington Univ., St. Louis)
Machine learning for model refinement in nuclear physics
H. Feldmeier (GSI, Darmstadt)
Short range correlations in nuclei
M. Grasso (IPN, Orsay)
A beyond-mean-field description for nuclear excitation spectra: Applications of the subtracted SRPA
J. W. Holt (Texas A&M Univ.)
Nuclear many-body theory from microscopic chiral two- and three-nucleon forces
Y. Kim (IBS)
Parity doublet model in dense matter and more
E. Krotscheck (SUNY Buffalo)
Variational and Parquet-diagram theory for strongly correlated normal and super-fluid systems
C.-H. Lee (Pusan National Univ.)
Application of DJBUU to heavy ion collisions
Y. Lim (TU Darmstadt)
Nuclear equation of state for hot dense matter
E. Litvinova (Western Michigan Univ.)
Nuclear response beyond one-loop approximation: from zero to finite temperature
J. Meng (Peking Univ.)
Relativistic density functional theory for nuclear structure
C. Robin (INT, Univ. of Washington)
Ground-state correlations from quasiparticle-vibration coupling in nuclei
M. Tohyama (Kyorin Univ.)
Applications of time-dependent density-matrix approach
K. Tsushima (Univ. Cruzeiro do Sul)
Effective nuclear force, finite (hyper)nuclei, and neutron star from quarks: the QMC model