등록(Registration) 이번 모임은 온/오프라인 병행으로 할 계획입니다. 장소를 마지막 순간에 변경하다 보니 공지가 늦어졌는데, 숙박 예약을 원하시는 분들은 24일(화요일) 오후 3시까지 다음의 링크에서 등록하시기 바랍니다. 이후에도 온라인 참석자의 등록은 가능합니다. Click the following link for the registration. Venue 경주 힐튼호텔 파인룸 (Gyeongju Hilton Hotel Pine Room) Period November 27 (Fri), 2020 ~ November 28 (Sat), 2020 Overview & Topics This group meeting covers general theory of polymers and other soft matters, including block copolymers, polyelectrolytes, biopolymers and other soft matter complex. Various theoretical methods and techniques are introduced in the meeting as a form of lecture, tutorial and/or research seminar. We encourage researchers in the meeting to find applications of the theory and to build collaboration network with theorists and/or experimentalists. The 16th meeting will be held in Gyeongju on November 27 and 28. We host a special workshop for the introduction of non-equilibrium statistical physics and its application to soft- and biological matters. Organizers Jaeup Kim (UNIST): jukim@unist.ac.kr YongSeok Jho (Gyeongsang National University): ysjho@gnu.ac.kr Invited Speakers Jae Sung Lee (이재성) KIAS Joonwoo Jeong (정준우) UNIST Jaeup Kim (김재업) UNIST Yongjoo Baek (백용주) SNU Cheol-Min Ghim (김철민) UNIST Contact Jaeup Kim (UNIST): jukim@unist.ac.kr Sponsor ![]() |