Atrium hana-square, Korea University (고려대 하나스퀘어 강당) Period
November 12 (Mon), 2018 ~ November 14 (Wed), 2018 Overview
Quantum and nano
devices are evolving, with new scientific studies and technical
applications emerging. Advances in this directional field were possible
due to improvements in fabrication processes and novel methods for
observing physical phenomena in nanoscale or in the quantum regime. They
are involved in a wide spectrum of researches covering fundamental
physics and cutting-edge applications by allowing access to a new
experimental regime and suggesting new applications in sensing
interactions at the sub-nanoscale. This symposium will bring together
more than 50 physicists, scientists, and students and share their most
recent achievements on the physics and applications in quantum and nano
deivces. Optomechanics Spintromechanics Biomechanics Superconducting quantum circuits Graphene based NEMS NEMS based sensors Nanomechanical quantum bits Atomic physics in device
Jaeyoon Cho (APCTP)
Donghun Lee (Korea University)
Chulki Kim (KIST)
Junho Suh (KRISS)
Taegeun Song (POSTECH) ![]()
Taegeun Song (tsong@postech.ac.kr) Sponsor APCTP - The Institute of Basic Science Korea University - POSTECH 아태 이론물리연구센터 -고려대 기초과학 연구원 - 포항공대 ![]() ![]() ![]() |