제목 Neutrino and Leptogenesis (중성미자와 렙톤수 비대칭의 기원) 연사 강신규 교수님 (서울과기대) 내용 The origin of the asymmetry between matter and anti-matter of the Universe is one of the biggest unsolved problems in particle physics and cosmology. Leptogenesis as a mechanism for generating the cosmological baryon asymmetry of the Universe has gained significant interests ever since the advent of the evidence of non-zero neutrino masses. In this lecture, I pedagogically review on the mechanism of leptogenesis and allude to recent developments in this subject. Date
Lecture I: August 20 (Thu), 2020, 2pm - 6pm Lecture II: September 4 (Fri), 2020, 2pm - 6pm
Venue 온라인 강의 ** 강의 자료와 숙제 문제는 Program 메뉴에 있습니다. Organizers
송정현(건국대), 박성찬(연세대), 이현민(중앙대), 정성훈(서울대) Contact 정성훈 sunghoonj@snu.ac.kr Sponsor ![]() |