Talk title
*on-line talk
25th (Wed)
*Seung Ki Baek: Discontinuous phase transition in chemotactic aggregation with density-dependent pressure
*Takahiro Sakaue: Chromatin mobility controlled by chromatin concentration
*Pan-Jun Kim: Circadian Molecular Oscillations and the Price of Daily Biological Rhythms
*Jae Sung Lee: Brownian heat engine with active reservoirs
*Hajin Kim: Study of Chromatin Dynamics through Live Visualization of Chromosomal Domains
*Julian Lee: Stochastic fluctuation and transient dynamics in gene regulatory network
26th (Thurs)
Jae Dong Noh: Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for off-diagonal matrix elements
Yoon-Ho Kim: Emergence of the geometric phase from quantum measurement back-action
*Jaegon Um: Noise-induced entanglement in a quantum-dot heat engine
*Hang-Hyun Jo: Bursty time series analysis
Kyung Suk Lee: Fluorescence measurement of gene expression dynamics in C. elegans
Yong Woon Kim: Stochastic target searching
Hyuk Kyu Pak: Non-Gaussian Diffusion and Energy Balance of a Brownian Particle in an Active Bath
Ho-Joon Kim: Dynamic resource theory of entanglement
Taeguen Song: AI in quantum physics: Machine learning accelerated ctQMC
Junghyo Jo: Causality inference from time series data
*Sang Hoon Lee: Mesoscale properties of mutualistic networks in ecosystems
Hyejin Park: Extinction dynamics from meta-stable coexistences in ecological systems
*Wonmin Son: Macroscopic non-localities from many-body correlations
27th (Fri)
Jaeyoung Sung: Transport dynamics of complex fluids
*Jaeoh Shin: How can transition time symmetry be broken?
*Nam Ki Lee: Real-time single-protein imaging for observing cellular dynamics in a living cell
*Yongdae Shin: Techniques to control and measure intracellular phase separation
Yongjoo Baek: Thermodynamics of fuel-consuming active engine
Jae-Hyung Jeon: Active Brownian particles under a viscoelastic feedback