*Coursework will be conducted in Korean; Special lectures (C. Song) in English. ![]() Venue | Period #400, Chemistry Building, POSTECH (Pohang, Korea) | January 8-9, 2018 #102, POSCO International Center (Pohang, Korea) | January 10-12, 2018 Overview Statistical mechanics provides a powerful tool for understanding macroscopic systems on the basis of microscopic laws governing the dynamics of their constituents. Its ever-increasing use is not limited to physical sciences but extends to biological and social sciences. This annual event is intended to provide graduate students and early-career scientists in physics and related disciplines with the conceptual framework and analytical tools for advanced studies in physics and interdisciplinary research. Topics The thematic focus of the 15th School is on machine learning. The 16 hours of lectures, taught by three invited instructors, will be devoted to the core concepts of machine/deep learning with an emphasis on hands-on practice for numerical implementation. This coursework will be accompanied by 2x2 hours of special seminars (in English) on the application of deep learning for data science. Organizers Cheol-Min Ghim 김철민 (UNIST, cmghim⊙unist.ac.kr) Hyunggyu Park 박형규 (KIAS, hgpark⊙kias.re.kr) Jae-Dong Noh 노재동 (University of Seoul, jdnoh⊙seoul.ac.kr) Jae Woo Lee 이재우 (Inha University, jaewlee⊙inha.ac.kr) Lecturers Junghyo Jo 조정효 (KIAS, jojunghyo⊙kias.re.kr) Yung Kyun Noh 노영균 (Seoul National University, nohyung⊙snu.ac.kr) Kang Hun Ahn 안강헌 (Chungnam National University, ahnkh⊙cnu.ac.kr) Chaoming Song (University of Miami, c.song⊙miami.edu) Contact Jungeun Yoon 윤정은 (jungeun.yoon⊙apctp.org) Hyosin Noh 노효신 (hyosinnoh⊙kias.re.kr) Hosted by ![]() |