String Theory and Cosmology
August 28 (Fri), 2015
■ Program

    Chair : Chanyong Park (Sogang Univ.)

    13:00 ~ 13:40   Yun Soo Myung (Inje Univ.),

    “Inflaton  and reheating  in  nonminimal derivative coupling”

    13:40 ~ 14:20   Wontae Kim (Sogang Univ.),

    “New Tolman Temperature in Black Holes”

    14:20 ~ 14:40   Break

    Chair : Wontae Kim (Sogang Univ.) 

    14:40 ~ 15:20   O-Kab Kwon (Kyungpook & Ewha Univ.),

    “Aspects of the holographic entanglement entropy in the LLM geometry”

    15:20 ~ 16:00   Chanyong Park (Sogang Univ.),

    “Logarithmic Corrections to the Entanglement Entropy”

    16:00 ~ 16:40   Yunseok Seo (Hanyang Univ.),

    “Thermoelectric Conductivities at Finite Magnetic Field and the Nernst Effect”

    16:40 ~ 17:00   Break

    Chair : O-Kab Kwon (Kyungpook & Ewha Univ.)

    17:00 ~ 17:30   Young-Hwan Hyun (Sungkyunkwan Univ.),

    “Exact greybody factors for rotating black holes in 5D for brane scalar field”

    17:30 ~ 18:00    Daeho Ro (Sogang Univ.),

    “Fragmentation instability of a charged AdS black hole”

    18:00 ~ 20:00    Dinner