Tensor Network States
August 28 (Mon), 2017 ~ August 31 (Thu), 2017
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    Hongik University, Seoul, Hong-Mun Hall, R313
    August 28 (Mon), 2017 ~ August 31 (Thu), 2017
    Tensor networks recently play a new role to describe quantum many body systems. Using tensor network states which reveal the entanglement, a lot of progress has been made in understanding correlated systems.
    This workshop will focus on the pedagogical introduction to tensor networks based algorithms and applications. The workshop will also host the discussion of current problems and developments among the leading researchers, aiming to promote interactions between students and experts.
    Because the entanglement entropy of the ground state for many-body systems has a special property so called area law, tensor network states become a powerful theoretical tool to study quantum collective phenomena. Most popular tensor networks are the matrix product state (MPS), the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA), and the projected entangled-pair states (PEPS). These tensor network states are used by many prominent researchers as the basis for variational approaches to many-body systems. The following topics are covered in this workshop.
    1. Density Matrix Renormalization Group and MPS
    2. Symmetry and Topology in Tensor Network States
    3. Tensor Renormalization Group
    3. Numerical Linear Algebra for Tensor Network States
    4. Classification of Phases in Quantum Matter
    5. Fermions in Tensor Network States
    Myung-Hoon Chung (Hongik University) (mhchung@hongik.ac.kr)
    Ji-Woo Lee (Myongji University) (jwlee@mju.ac.kr)
    Invited Lecturers
    Ian McCulloch (University of Queensland)
    Masaki Oshikawa (University of Tokyo)
    Zhiyuan Xie (Renmin University of China)
    Invited Speakers
    Min-Chul Cha (Hanyang University)
    Jaeyoon Cho (APCTP)
    Ji-Woo Lee (Myongji University)
    Myung-Hoon Chung (mhchung@hongik.ac.kr)
    Ms. Jungeun Yoon (sec@apctp.org)