HaPhy-CLAS Workshop on Hadron Productions
August 28 (Thu), 2014 ~ August 29 (Fri), 2014
■ Program

    HaPhy 2014-3

    HaPhy-CLAS Workshop on Hadron Productions

    28 Aug. 2014 (Thu.): Physics on Lambda(1405) Productions

    9:30 ~ 9:50 Registration

    9:50 ~ 10:00 Welcome address

    Chair : Y. Oh (KNU)

    10:00 ~ 10:50 Hadronic few-body systems in chiral dynamics: D. Jido (TMU, Japan)

    10:50 ~ 11:50 Lambda(1405) and excited hyperon photoproduction at CLAS: K. Moriya (Indiana, USA)

    11:50 ~ 13:30 Workshop Lunch (Global plaza 17th floor inside the campus)

    Chair : M. K. Cheoun (Soongsil)

    13:30 ~ 14:20 Toward realistic prediction of the Lambda(1405) production in K-d reaction: T. Hyodo (YITP, Japan)

    14:20 ~ 15:10 The role of the electromagnetic multipoles in the vector meson photoproduction: B. G. Yu (KAU)

    15:10 ~ 15:40 Coffee break

    Chair : H. -Ch. Kim (Inha)

    15:40 ~ 16:20 Measurement of radiative decay of Lambda(1405) by using HypTPC: S. H. Hwang (JAEA, JAPAN)

    16:20 ~ 16:40 Lambda(1405) photoproduction with its two-pole structure: S. i. Nam (Pukyong)

    16:40 ~ 17:00 Coffee break

    17:00 ~ 18:00 HaPhy OC meeting for 2015 TRP

    18:00 ~ 20:00 Workshop Dinner

    29 Aug. 2014 (Fri.): Physics on Various Meson Productions

    Chair : C. Hyun (Daegu)

    10:00 ~ 11:00 The GlueX Experiment at Jefferson Lab: K. Moriya (Indiana, USA)

    11:00 ~ 11:40 Coffee break

    Chair : T. Hyodo (YITP)

    11:40 ~ 12:10 Study of charmed baryons in pi P --> D* Λc reaction: S. H. Kim (RCNP, Japan)

    12:10 ~ 12:40 Meson-baryon Yukawa coupling constants with SU(3) symmetry breaking: G. S. Yang (Soongsil)

    12:40 ~ 12:45 Closing Remark