2015 HaPhy-HIM Joint Meeting: Experimental and Theoretical Nuclear Physics
August 28 (Fri), 2015 ~ August 29 (Sat), 2015
■ Program

    28 August 2015

    13:30 ~ 14:00 Registeration  

    Chair: Moon, D. H. (Chonnam National Univ.)

    14:00 ~ 14:30 Development of software for LAMPS TPC Lee, J. W. (Korea Univ.)

    14:30 ~ 15:00 Simulation of the neutron detector performance for LAMPS Kim, B. G. (Korea Univ.)

    15:00 ~ 15:30 Coffee break

    Chair: Hong, B. S. (Korea)

    15:30 ~ 16:20 Plan for the Study of Nuclear Symmetry Energy at RAON Kim, Y. J. (RISP/IBS)

    16:20 ~ 17:10 Baryon spectroscopy and studies of extremely dense matter at J-PARC Sako, H. (JAEA)

    17:10 ~ 18:00 Low-energy scattering and resonances within the nuclear shell model Shirokov, A. (Moscow State Univ.)

    18:00 ~ 18:10 Photo session

    18:10 ~ 20:00 Workshop dinner

    29 August 2015

    Chair: Kim, K. S. (Korea Aerospace Univ.)

    10:00 ~ 10:50 Equation of state of neutron stars: Consistency with observation Hyun, C. (Daegu Univ.)

    10:50 ~ 11:40 Symmetry energy and neutron star structure Yakhshiev, U (Inha Univ.)

    11:40 ~ 13:30 Workshop lunch

    Chair: Kim, Y. (RISP/IBS)

    13:30 ~ 14:20 Symmetry energy in cold dense matter Jeong, K. S. (Yonsei Univ.)

    14:20 ~ 15:10 Possible ambiguities in neutrino-nucleus scattering Kim, K. S. (Korea Aerospace Univ.)

    15:10 ~ 16:00 Scale-invariant HLS model and its application to dense nuclear matter by using V_low k Paeng, W. G. (RISP/IBS)