Matrix product states for computation of the ground states and the time evolution
April 17 (Wed), 2013 ~ April 18 (Thu), 2013
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    503 Conference room, APCTP Headquarters, Pohang
    April 17 (Wed), 2013 ~ April 18 (Thu), 2013
    A matrix-product state (MPS) is a useful tool to describe a many-body wave function of a quantum lattice system, especially the ground states and the time evolution for a given Hamiltonian, and has been successfully applied to problems in a wide range of physics fields. In this lecture, I will explain basic ideas of MPS and how one can practically use the MPS description for solving quantum many-body problems. A major goal of the lecture is to make it possible for the students to implement a MPS numerical code by themselves. The contents of the lecture is as follows:
    1. Introduction: Necessity of an efficient numerical method 
    2. Graphical notation of tensors 
    3. Matrix product state and matrix product operator 
    4. Time evolution 
    5. Ground state 
    6. Exact diagonalization of a sparse matrix 
    7. Applications 
    8. Outlook Notice that the lecture is partially based on Ref. [1]. 
    [1] Ulrich Schollwock, Annals of Physics 326, 96 (2011).
      Gentaro Watanabe (APCTP)
    Invited Speakers
    Ippei Danshita (Kyoto Univ.)
    Gentaro Watanabe (APCTP)