August 28 (Thu), 2014 ~ August 30 (Sat), 2014
■ Program

    Schedule (tentative)

    8/28 2:00-5:40pm: Statistical, Soft Matter and Stochastic Physics (Session Chair : Yong Woon Kim)

         2:00-2:10: Opening Address
         2:10-2:40: P. Pincus      A Hubbard View of Hydrogen Bonding Networks
         2:40-3:10: M. W. Kim    Effect of geometry of 2D-dumbbells on the structure of random jammed packing
         3:10-3:40: H. K. Pak      Experimental demonstration of the fluctuation theorem in expansion 
    :40-4:10: Break
         4:10-4:40: R. Metzler    Ergodicity Breaking, Ageing, and Anomalous Diffusion New Physics learned from     
         4:40-5:10: M. Y. Choi    Skew distributions and criticality in natural and social systems  
         5:10-5:40: A. Neiman    Emergence of spontaneous oscillations and sensory coding in peripheral receptors
         6:00-       Get-together Party (Yeon Ji Korean Restaurant)


    8/29 9:00-12:00am: Single Molecule Biophysics (Session Chair : Jong-Bong Lee)

         9:00-9:30: G.Zocchi        Mechanochemistry and the deformability of enzymes

          9:30-10:00: J-H Jeon      An effective mesoscopic model of double-stranded DNA

          10:00-10:30: S.C. Hohng Repetitive unwinding and fork regression of WRN helicase

          10:30-11:00: Break
    11:00-11:30: B.Y. Ha      A model nucleoid: a polymer in a confined and crowded space

          11:30-12:00: C.B. Hyeon Evidence of disorder in biological molecules in single molecule level


       12:00-2:30pm: Photo & Lunch (Pizza and Sandwiches) & Posters


    8/29 2:30-5:30pm: Membrane and Cellular Physics/ Self-assembly and
    organization (Session Chair : Nam Ki Lee)

          2:30-3:00: R. Podgornik   Surmounting and Harnessing Disorder in Coulomb fluids

          3:00-3:30: T. Y. Yoon      Seeing the Unseen with Single-Molecule Perspective 

          3:30-4:00: Y. K. Park       Optical measurement of biomechanical properties of human red blood cells 

          4:00-4:30: Break

          4:30-5:00: K. Kim           Covalent self-assembly of nanostructured materials

          5:00-5:30: W. Sung        A Pathway between Statistical Physics and Biophysics


      6:00-8:00: Banquet (Invited Guests)


    8/30 9:00-11:40pm: Biopolymer Translocation and Related Dynamics- a Special
                          Session titled "18 years since Sung-Park work on polymer
    (Session Chair : Pyeong Jun Park)


         9:00-9:30: G. Slater Some of the things we have learned since the Sung-Park work on polymer translocation 
          9:30-10:00: T. Sakaue           Nonequilibriium Dynamics of Polymer Translocation
          10:00-10:20: Break
          10:20-10:50: T. A. Nissila Driven polymer translocation with iso-flux Brownian dynamics tension propagation theory
          10:50-11:20: A. Bhattacharya  Characteristics of heteropolymer translocation through a nanopore 

     11:20-11:40: Closing Remarks 
     12:30-1:30: Lunch at GeyongJu
     1:30-5:00pm: GeyongJu Tour