VENUE Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea College of Natural Sciences: building number 507, room number 751 PERIOD August 08 (Wed), 2018 ~ August 16 (Thu), 2018 OVERVIEW The aim of this focus program is bringing together international leaders in the areas of quantum field theory, gravity, string theory, condensed matter physics and quantum information in order to exchange ideas and discuss problems related to gauge/gravity duality, black holes, and quantum information. ORGANIZERS Chair Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang U) Co-chair Keun-Young Kim (GIST) Koji Hashimoto (Osaka U) Deog-Ki Hong (Pusan Nat’l U) Ki-Seok Kim (POSTECH) Nakwoo Kim (Kyung Hee U) Ioannis Papadimitriou (KIAS) Piljin Yi (KIAS) INVITED SPEAKERS Pisin Chen (National Taiwan U) Sang Mo Cheon (Hanyang U) Gil Young Cho (POSTECH) Jaeyoon Cho (APCTP) Eoin O Colgain (APCTP) Xian Hui Ge (Shanghai U) Koji Hashimoto (Osaka U) Michal P. Heller (Albert Einstein Institute) Ling-Yan Hung (Fudan U) Euihun Joung (KyungHee U) Isaac Kim (Stanford U) Keun-Young Kim (GIST) Ki-Seok Kim (POSTECH) Kyung Kiu Kim (Sejong U) Yan Liu (Beihang U) Masamichi Miyaji (Kyoto U) Mitsuhiro Nishida (GIST) Jaehyuk Oh (Hanyang U) Chanyong Park (GIST) Ioannis Papadimitrious (KIAS) YongHui Qi (Hanyang U) Dario Rosa (KIAS) Gordon W. Semenoff (UBC) Yunseok Seo (GIST) Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang U) Tomonori Ugajin (OIST) Run-Qiu Yang (KIAS) Dong-Han Yeom (APCTP) Junggi Yoon (KIAS) CONTACT Sang-Jin Sin (sjsin@hanyang.ac.kr) Keun-Young Kim (fortoe@gist.ac.kr) Jenny Yoo [APCTP Secretariat] (keunkyung.yoo@apctp.org) SPONSOR ![]() |