APCTP Focus Program in Nuclear Physics 2019 Venue
APCTP Headquarters, Pohang Period
July 01 (Mon), 2019 ~ July 10 (Wed), 2019 Overview
Nuclear many-body theory is a major key to understand the structure of nucleus and nuclear matter. It has a key role in investigating the structure of compact stellar objects like neutron stars. In most cases, the mean field approximation is widely used as the first approximation to the strongly interacting nuclear systems. However, for more profound understanding of nuclear matter requires theoretical tools beyond the mean field treatment. Therefore, investigation in this direction is very crucial to develop more powerful and consistent theory for nuclear structure and nuclear matter. In this Focus Program, we will summarize the attempts made up to present and discuss the directions of future research. To establish close collaboration among participants is another goal of this program.
We will start by addressing the topic of nucleon-nucleon correlations in nuclear-response theory and related subjects. The main issue is to go beyond the mean-field picture in dynamic situations not just the ground state. We will start to discuss on extended-RPA theories with a correlated ground state. This has been developed by many authors including the speakers of this Focus Program, who are experts in this field pursuing various approaches beyond the mean-field approximation. For microscopic input for many-body theory, we have to understand fundamental nucleon interactions and many-body theories based directly on the nucleon interactions. These ab initio models are important to fully understand the nuclear structure and nuclear response. In this program, we invite experts of the in-medium renormalization group. By inviting these world-leading experts in nuclear many-body theories, we will develop strong collaborations with them and will make chances to young people who wants to develop his/her career in this field. We will support young postdoctors and graduate students in the Asia Pacific region to encourage them to join us.
Organizers & Contact Chang Ho Hyun (Daegu University): hch@daegu.ac.kr Yongseok Oh (Kyungpook National University): yongseok.oh@apctp.org Panagiota Papakonstantinou (IBS): ppapakon@ibs.re.kr Invited Speakers A. N. Antonov (BAS, Bulgaria) J. W. Clark (Washington Univ., St. Louis, USA) H. Feldmeier (GSI, Germany) M. Grasso (IPN Orsay, France) J. W. Holt (Texas A&M Univ., USA) Y. Kim (IBS, Korea) E. Krotscheck (SUNY Buffalo, USA) C.-H. Lee (Pusan National Univ., Korea) Y. Lim (Texas A&M Univ., USA; TU Darmstadt, Germany) E. Litvinova (Western Michigan Univ., USA) J. Meng (Peking Univ., China) P. Papakonstantinou (IBS, Korea) C. Robin (INT, Univ. Washington, USA) M. Tohyama (Kyorin Univ., Japan) K. Tsushima (Univ. Cruzeiro do Sul) Circular Download Sponsors ![]() ![]() |