International Workshop on Ray & Wave Mechanics in 2D Microcavity and Related Systems


July 04 (Sat), 2015 ~ July 05 (Sun), 2015

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    College of Science’s Asan Hall (room number 113), Korea University, Seoul, Korea


    July 04 (Sat), 2015 ~ July 05 (Sun), 2015


     The International Workshop on Ray & Wave Mechanics in 2d Microcavity and Related Systems is organized in order to bring together the top theoretical scientists in the field of 2d Microcavities. 2d Microcavities are open system version of closed 2d billiard system, which has been intensively studied and well-known system in the area of quantum chaos characterizing the quantum manifestation of classically chaotic systems. They are considered as a potential candidate for next generation ultrasmall light source and a crucial element in highly sensitive bio-sensors, integrated optical circuits, etc. This international workshop is designed for presenting and sharing recent theoretical and experimental achievements and ideas among the frontier researchers on resonance mode properties, wave-ray correspondence, and 2d lasing mode in 2d Microcavities as well as the related topics such as tunneling effects and quantum chaos in various 1d and 2d systems. In addition, we will have a small program to recall the contribution by late Dr. Soo-Young Lee, who introduced an idea of quasi-scar in this field, and passed away suddenly last summer.


    Quantum Chaos & Directionality in Optical Microcavity
    Resonance modes & Exceptional Point in Optical Microcavity
    Microcavity Laser & Bio-sensor Applications
    Optical Microcavity in Transformation Optics
    Tunneling & Quantum Effects in Various Related Systems




    Muhan Choi (Chair, Kyungpook National University)
    Q-Han Park (Co-Chair, Korea University)
    Sunghwan Rim (Co-Chair, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)
    Takahisa Harayama (Co-Chair, Waseda University)
    Sang Wook Kim (Co-Chair, Pusan National University)
    Martina Hentschel (Co-Chair, TU Ilmenau)
    Dong-Uk Hwang (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)
    Inbo Kim (Kyungpook National University)
    Jong-Ho Choe (Korea University)
    Jung-Wan Ryu (Kyungpook National University)
    Woo-Sik Son (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)


    Invited Speakers


    Muhan Choi (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
    Yunchul Chung (Pusan National University, Korea)
    Takahisa Harayama (Waseda University, Japan)
    Roland Ketzmerick (TU Dresden, Germany)
    Chil-Min Kim (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
    Sang-Wook Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)
    Songky Moon (Seoul National University, Korea)
    Susumu Shinohara (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan)
    Akira Shudo (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
    Qinghai Song (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
    Satoshi Sunada (Kanazawa University, Japan)
    Jan Wiersig (University of Magdeburg, Germany)




    Jung-Wan Ryu (


    Organized and Supported by

