String Theory and Cosmology mini-workshop
August 08 (Fri), 2014
■ Program
    Date: 2014. Aug 8 (Fri)

    Place: APCTP Seoul branch office (과총회관 11층)

    Chair:  Jung Jai Lee (Daejin Univ.)

    13:00-13:30: Jae-Weon Lee (Jungwon Univ.),
     "ER=EPR: Spacetime from Entanglement"
    13:30-14:10: Chan-yong Park (IEU) 
    “Holographic entanglement entropy”

    14:10-14:40  O-Kab Kwon (IEU)
    "Renormalized entanglement entropy of the massive Chern-Simons matter theory"

    14:40-15:00: Coffee break

    Chair: Inyong Cho (SNUT)

    15:00-15:40: Shigenori Seki (Hanyang Univ.)
    "EPR=ER and Scattering"

    15:40-16:20:  Hyun Seok Yang (Sogang Univ.)
    "The Secret Garden: Emergent quantum mechanics" 

    16:20-16:40: Coffee break

    Chair:  Jae-Weon Lee (Jungwon Univ.),

    16:40-17:30:  Wontae Kim (Sogang University)
    "Resolution of the disagreement of the near horizon
    behavior of the energy density related to the firewall" 

    17:30-18:20: Yun Soo Myung (Inje Univ.)
    "Cosmological singleton gravity theory and dS/LCFT correspondence"

    18:20 Dinner & Organizer meeting