Past Scientific Programs
2010 Miniworkshop on quantum functional materials
PLACE : 서울대학교 상산수리과학관(129동) 205호 | DATE : 2010-12-10
PROGRAM : Topical Research Programs
Joint Focus Program:Frontiers of Black Hole Physics
PLACE : APCTP, Pohang | DATE : 2010-12-06~2010-12-17
PROGRAM : Joint Activities
PLACE : APCTP Seoul Branch Office, Korea | DATE : 2010-11-19~2010-11-20
PROGRAM : Topical Research Programs
APCTP-CBRAIN Mini-workshop on Brain Dynamics
PLACE : APCTP Headquarters, Pohang, Korea | DATE : 2010-11-19~2010-11-20
PROGRAM : Topical Research Programs
APCTP Workshop on Current Progress of Simulations in Complex Systems
PLACE : APCTP Headquarters, Pohang, Korea | DATE : 2010-11-15~2010-11-17
PROGRAM : Conferences & Workshops