HaPhy-2013-09 : Rare Isotopes and Nuclear Astrophysics with related topics (RIaNA*) workshop
PLACE : APCTP, Pohang, POSTECH, Korea | DATE : 2013-09-25~2013-09-27
PROGRAM : Topical Research Programs
ORGANIZER : Myung-Ki Cheoun (Soongsil)
String Theory and Cosmology mini-workshop
PLACE : APCTP Seoul branch | DATE : 2013-08-30
PROGRAM : Topical Research Programs
ORGANIZER : Jae-Weon Lee (Jungwon University)
Workshop on Computational Neuroscience
PLACE : Seoul National University Hospital (Biomedical Research Institute Auditorium) | DATE : 2013-08-28
PROGRAM : Conferences & Workshops
ORGANIZER : Seungkee Han (Chungbuk Natl. Univ.)
4th International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics
PLACE : Awana Genting Resort, Pahang, Malaysia | DATE : 2013-08-27~2013-08-30
PROGRAM : External Activities
ORGANIZER : Raymond Ooi (Institute of Physics Malaysia)
APCTP-ICTP International Conference on “Nonlinear Dynamics at the Nanoscale”
PLACE : Pohang | DATE : 2013-08-26~2013-08-30
PROGRAM : Conferences & Workshops
ORGANIZER : Kang-Hun Ahn (Chungnam national Univ.)