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Past Scientific Programs

Quantum Geometry and Duality (String Theory and Cosmology)

PLACE : APCTP, Postech | DATE : 2018-11-29~2018-11-30

PROGRAM : Category 3

ORGANIZER : Kyung Kiu Kim (Sejong University)


[APCTP Workshop] JKPS 50주년 기념 학회: 한국 물리학의 조망과 전망

PLACE : 서울 | DATE : 2018-11-29~2018-12-01

PROGRAM : Category 1

ORGANIZER : 상진 신 (한양대)


The 2nd Asia Pacific Workshop on Quantum Magnetism

PLACE : International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru - 560 089, India | DATE : 2018-11-29~2018-12-07

PROGRAM : Category 4

ORGANIZER : Subhro Bhattacharjee (ICTS, Bangalore)


[JRG] Mini-school on Quantum Information Theory of Gaussian States

PLACE : APCTP | DATE : 2018-11-28~2018-11-30

PROGRAM : Category 1



[JRG] H0 tension and Swampland:theory confronts reality

PLACE : APCTP | DATE : 2018-11-28~2018-11-30

PROGRAM : Category 1

ORGANIZER : Eoin Colgain (APCTP)

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Scientific programs
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Hogil Kim Memorial Building #501 POSTECH,
77 Cheongam-ro, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 37673, Korea