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Seminars & Lectures
* TITLE [APCTP JRG Open Seminar] Emergent Quantum Criticality, Fermi Surface and AdS_2
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Dr.Takuya Tsukioka APCTP Prof. Youngman Kim (ykim(at)apctp.org)
* HOST(Applicant)
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* DATE / TIME 2009-12-21, 12:00am
* PLACE Seminar Room 512, APCTP Headquarters, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea
Gravity solutions dual to d-dimensional filed theories at finite charge density have a near-horizon region which is AdS_2 times R^(d-1). The scale invariance of the AdS_2 region implies that at low energies the dual field theory exhibits emergent quantum critical behavior controlled by a (0+1)-dimensional CFT (IR CFT). This interpretation sheds light on recently discovered holographic descriptions of Fermi surfaces, allowing an analytical understanding of their low-energy excitations.

-Main reference is [arXiv:0907.2694[hep-th]].
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