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Seminars & Lectures
* TITLE Quantum Gravity in the 21st Century
Name Affiliation E-mail
Simeon Hellerman Kavli IPMU simeon.hellerman.3(at)gmail.com>
* HOST(Applicant)
Name Affiliation E-mail
Eunyoung Choi APCTP eunyoung.choi(at)apctp.org
* DATE / TIME 2015-12-18, 16:00
The question of understanding gravity in a quantum-mechanical framework has been a key problem of theoretical physics since the early 20th century. The central idea has turned out to be the holographic principle, which describes the quantum-gravitational dynamics of a region of spacetime in terms of a non-gravitational quantum theory on its boundary. I will describe some of the ways in which physical research of the 21st century has begun to extend the holographic principle to reconstruct observables in the bulk of spacetime from boundary data, using ideas from quantum information theory
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